Wellbeing & Engagement 

Today is a great day to be you!

School Working Bee

We've got our termly Working Bee coming up in a couple of weeks - and it would be great to borrow you for a little bit of help! Whether you can volunteer for half an hour or the full three hours - every little bit counts and we are so grateful for your assistance. As usual - a reward of a lovely sausage sizzle awaits our willing volunteers!


Please see further info below on the flyer.

Fathering Project LEGO Masters Event

This fun event brought to you by our Fathering Project group is creeping up on us very quickly! It is now only 16 days away - Sunday September 10th at 1:00pm. We strongly encourage you to register as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to participate! 


It is important to note that whilst it is being run by The Fathering Project, it is absolutely open for all family members to attend - which definitely includes the mums, grandmas and anyone else out there who is keen to test out their LEGO skills! It is a community event open to all - so get down to the school gym on August 10th!


~Note: This is not a supervised 'drop-and-go' event. All children must be accompanied by a member of their family at all times.

Billy Cart and Footy Colours Day

Yes, the big events just keep rolling around - and hopefully there will be plenty of rolling at this one... and no crashing! 


On the final day of Term 3 - Friday September 15th - we will hold our annual Billy Cart and Footy Colours Day! This event is always a huge highlight on the Rangeview calendar. We encourage all students to dress up in the colours of their favourite footy team - or if they don't follow the AFL, any other sport is fine too - and come along for a fun morning of billy cart races. 



The races will be held on the blue grassphalt area from approximately 9:15am - 11:00am.

It's about 3-4 weeks away now, so if your child is keen to participate, they need to find a racing partner and get working on their billy cart! We do have some spare billy carts at the school and if students cannot build their own, we can lend these to the kids to ensure whoever wants to take part, can take part.


The wider Rangeview community is very welcome to attend, create some atmosphere and cheer on our little billy cart superstars! We are looking forward to another chaotic and fun day!

Book Week - Dress Up / Parade Day

We celebrated Book Week in typical Rangeview style today - doing it BIG!


It was wonderful to see all the costumes which celebrated different characters from favourite books. The theme for 2023 is 'Read, Grow, Inspire'. The whole school assembly in the morning was a huge celebration of this theme and we loved seeing all of the students get involved in the costume parade. This was followed by multi-age group activities across the day that focused on the beauty and enjoyment of literature.


Well done to all of our students for getting into the spirit of the occasion!

The Resilience Project

As we creep closer to the next school holidays, we invite you as parents/carers to do a little Mindfulness 'screening' - completing it with your children would be even better. Research shows that the amount of time children spend on devices increases significantly during school holidays, and that parents/carers tend to model this. Do you find that you've regularly got your phone in your hand when you are spending time with your children? How 'present' are we if this is the case?


The Resilience Project has provided this simple visual screening tool, which looks at how we spend a 24-hour day. If screen time registers highly across the day, we encourage you to actively practise putting the phone away, turning off the TV, and being present/focused on something more rewarding.


TRP - Mindfulness Screening Tool


Liam Sommers

Assistant Principal

Wellbeing and Engagement