Health and Well-Being
Nude Food Challenge: The Results Are In!
During Week Six of this term the Health and Wellbeing Working Party held the Nude Food Challenge across the school. Students and teachers were asked to bring nude food to school, meaning NO WRAPPERS. It was great to see that everyone made efforts to lower the number of wrappers brought to school. The ‘hot spot’ areas around the school where rubbish seems to accumulate the most include the sports field, the canteen area and the playground equipment.
During the Challenge Week there were a lot less wrappers in the rubbish bins and around those hot spot areas. We feel that it was a great success and believe that students and teachers should continue to bring nude food to school! It has had a noticeable impact on our environment!
There were many students who rose to the challenge and consistently brought a nude food lunch box to school. We put the names from each year level in a hat and drew out one winner for each. The lucky winners have earned themselves a $20 voucher to the Ninja Park! Congratulations to the following students:
Foundation: Annie C 0C
Year 1: Blake D 1B
Year 2: Finley W 2A
Year 3: Ethan S 3B
Year 4: Thomas K 4A
Year 5: Isabelle W 5A
Year 6: Sophie P 6A
Prizes will be presented at assembly in Week 9.
Stay safe,
Health and Well Being Working Party