Discovery Centre


Hello Foundation Families,


Welcome to 2025! We have enjoyed getting to know some of your kids this week and look forward to spending time with them as we conclude our Foundation Interviews on Monday and Tuesday next week. 


This link takes you to our Term 1 Statement of Intent. This is where our weekly overview is outlined. It can be a great way to start conversations with your students about what they are doing in class and what they are learning about. 



We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday the 5th. School begins at 8:50, but classroom doors will be open from 8:40 for you to come in and see the space with your child, take a photo with them for their first day and stay with them for a little bit as they settle in. We will keep the classrooms open for families until 9:10. 


  • School Begins for Foundation on Wednesday 5th of February
  • Foundation Parent Meet and Greet from 3:30 on Monday the 10th of February 
  • Foundation Parent Information Night