Independence Centre


Selamat sore Independence Centre families!


Welcome back to a brand-new school year! We are thrilled to see familiar faces and welcome new ones as we embark on another exciting journey of learning and growth together. Our teachers have been eagerly preparing for a fantastic year ahead, filled with discovery, creativity, and fun. We can’t wait to partner with you and your children to make this year a memorable and successful one. Please see important reminders below. Here’s to a great start and a wonderful school year ahead!


Have a wonderful week, 

Kathy, Ros, Julia, Mandy, Fatima and Suzie

Student Voice

  • It has been great to see our friends return to school - Abby 3/4R
  • I am looking forward to 3/4 camp this year because I had an amazing time at last year's camp! - Clara 3/4R
  • I am excited to use iPads to help my learning - Jerome 3/4R
  • I can't wait for Gala Day because I want to play different sports - Nandipha


  • Student diaries will go home each day in school bags and are required at school each day.
  • Students may bring a pencil case to school. We will provide basic stationery required for learning.
  • Cyber Safety Day is on 12th of February
  • The updated Digital User Agreement to be released on Compass soon. iPads will not be required at school until permission is given.
  • Senior Swimming Carnival 14th February, please complete permissions on Compass.
  • Hats must be worn throughout Term 1 as part of our SunSmart policy