Science - Newsletter

What a busy term and year it’s been in the science room!
Prep students have wrapped up their learning about what makes things slide, roll, and bounce. They’ve had a blast with hands-on activities, especially testing which balls bounce the best and figuring out why.
Grade 1 students have been going deeper into how sound travels via vibrations and have undertaken activities such as talking into a balloon and using a coat hanger and taping it with a teaspoon to explore sound traveling along string. Students explored loudness, pitch and timbre, and finished off the term making Kazoos!
Grade 2’s have used their knowledge on push, pull, gravity, pulleys and levers to collaboratively design and build their Rube Goldberg machines.
Grade 3 students have undertaken activities demonstrating conduction, convection and radiation. Time permitting, I hope to finish the term by making solar pizza ovens.
Grade 4’s have been focusing on forces, specifically magnetic force. There has been a lot of fun playing around with magnets and learning about how they work (both attract and repel). Students have consolidated their learning by designing, and where possible, making a game involving elements of force.
Grade 5’s, in their study of light, have investigated how shadows form, and what makes a shadow taller or shorter. They have learnt how they see colour, and how coloured shadows are formed.
Grade 6’s spent the term learning about electricity as a source of energy. They have consolidated their learning through a series of challenges and have built simple structures and machines using their knowledge of circuits and solar energy.
Congratulations to the Grade 6 students who complete their final year at ENPS and in the science room. You are a fabulous group of students that I have really enjoyed teaching, and I wish you all the very best with your high school journeys.
This will be my last newsletter for ENPS as Michelle Mercer will take over the program in 2025. I wanted to thank all the students at ENPS and the parent community for their kindness and support over the last few years. It’s been a lot of fun. Please have a happy and safe 2025.