Year 4 Newsletter

Dear parents,


What great weather we had for our first week of swimming, perfect swimming weather!


What's happened in year 4 this week?


English - This week we have continued looking at persuasive text structure. 


Maths - This week we have continued using mathematical modelling to solve practical problems that involve additive and multiplicative situations, including financial contexts. We have also played maths games and revised concepts taught this semester. For the remaining two weeks of term, we will be playing maths games and revising maths concepts.


Inquiry - This week’s Inquiry was all about our country presentations. We have loved seeing our students present their research and talk about their African and South American countries with confidence and pride. We have certainly learnt a lot this week and are absolutely blown away by what our students have produced for their at home project and presentations. Thank you for assisting your child to complete this task.



Please remember to pack swimming bags, children are to bring:

  • Towel
  • Underwear
  • Goggles if required
  • Rashie - if required
  • Sunscreen if not using school sunscreen
  • Waterproof bag to place wet bathers in

Week 10

Week 11 (last week of school)

Monday 9th Dec

Tuesday 10th Dec

Wednesday 11th Dec

Thursday 12th Dec

Monday 16th Dec

Tuesday 17th Dec



Big Day Out

Please provide CONSENT or DECLINE via Compass ASAP to enable teachers to organise buses and food by FRIDAY 13th DECEMBER.

The Year 4’s are heading to the Diamond Creek Pool for their Big Day Out on Wednesday 18th December to celebrate a wonderful year together. The students will participate in pool games and play on the inflatable structure. Students will have pizza for lunch at the pool and receive an icy pole when we return to school at 2pm.


NO HOMEWORK as homework is now complete for 2024. Well done to all our students for their work at home and thank you for supporting your child to complete their homework.


Important Reminders: 

  • Swimming Program - Continues Monday
  • Hats - please ensure your child has a school appropriate ‘sun smart’ hat. 
  • Classroom Kris Kringle: We would like to celebrate the end of the year with a class KK. If your child would like to be involved we ask they bring in a $10 gender neutral present by Friday 13th December. The KK will run following our Big Day Out on Wednesday December 18th. It would be helpful if you could please let us know if your child will NOT be involved in the classroom KK. We ask that students please DO NOT bring in food items - including chocolates, biscuits or gaming vouchers. 
    • Some Popular gifts include - stationery packs, picture story books, sporting equipment, christmas t’shirts, sensory toys. 
  • End of Term 4 - If you’re planning on starting your christmas break before the end of term 4, please let us know.


Coming up in term 4:

  • 9th/10th/11th/12th/16th/17th Dec - Swimming Program (details on Compass).
  • Wednesday 18th December - Year 4 Big Day Out (details on Compass).
  • Friday 20th December - Last Day of school for 2024