Things to do for the start of year
Please take some time to look through the following list of things we need parents to do for the beginning of the school year.
2025 Permissions
The Department of Education requires parents to give permission every year for local walking, PG movies and publish to media. To make life easier we have put all the permissions in one form which can be found here: 2025 Permissions.
Update QKR
A reminder to parents to update your childs class in the QKR App to show their 2025 classes. All classes are set up and it makes it easier for everyone when making payments.
Have your contact details changed?
A reminder that if you have changed your contact details to please let us know! Just email the school at and we will fix it up for you.
Do you want to be a Grade Parent?
Grade Parents play an important role for the class. The purpose of the Grade Parent is to:
- Act as a social coordinator for class catch-ups and events and assist families to get to know each other
- Be a conduit for information/requests from the Class Teacher to the class families, such as seeking help for excursions
- Help project manage the class’s allocated fete stall (but is not expected to do all the work relating to the stall)
Remember to allocate your School Savings Bonus (SSB)
If you haven't already, don't forget to log in and allocate your $400 School Saving Bonus to activities.
As the school does not have a compulsory school uniform or textbooks, the only thing you can allocate the bonus to is activities. This means the money can be used for camps and excursions throughout the year. This money will not expire so if it is not used this year, it can be used towards activities in 2026.
We cannot allocate these funds for you. You need to go into the Parent Portal and allocate them. If you have not done this by 1st July the funds will be paid automatically to the school to be used for excursions.