Parents & Friends' (PFA)

It’s hard to believe we are at the end of another school year and what a year it has been in
We have had many successful events this year which could only happen because of our fantastic families at St Anthony's Primary School.
The wonderful PFA committee have worked very hard along with our Class Liaisons and parents to create some great events and continue our fundraising in 2024. We started out with our Picnic on The Green in Term 1, also during Term 1 we had Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and the Easter raffle.
In Term 2, we had the beautiful Mothers' Day Breakfast and Stall, and this was followed up with the Mums' Day out at The Bank and at the end of the term we had the Bunnings BBQ.
The following businesses very kindly donated to the Mother’s Day Raffle prizes: Woolworths Carnegie Central, Carnegie Fresh, Sunny’s Fruit, Bromley’s Bakery, Lizzie’s Chocolates Carnegie, Ray White Carnegie, Spotlight Carnegie, Chemist Warehouse, Huffs Bagels Carnegie, True Health Solutions (Hampton), Get Real Café Carnegie Central, Omeo Flowers, Eric Maben, Carnegie Pharmacy, Amcal Pharmacy Ormond, Priceline Carnegie, Serenity Carnegie.
Term 3 included the School Disco, which was enjoyed by young and old especially when we had some unexpected visitors on the night. The Grill’d Local Matters Jar was in store in August: thanks so much to all families who went and supported this. The Fathers' Day Breakfast and Stall was excellent as usual and then we finished off the term with a raffle at the School Concert.
Term 4 has been packed with activities; the ice cream van has been at the school for a couple of visits much to the delight of all the children. The teachers enjoyed a morning tea on World Teachers' Day and we held a very successful raffle at the Christmas carols last week. It was a lovely event to end another very successful year at St. Anthony's school.
Of course, throughout the year we held the weekly cake raffle which causes such excitement with the children every Friday afternoon: thank you to each and every family who has baked this year and thanks to Luci Sinclair for organising the cake raffle roster.
The fundraising this year has contributed to the purchase of further STEAM kits and the very successful Octagon Connector kits which all the children are very eager to use daily. There are additional funds earmarked for purchasing additional Octagon Connector kits next year.
We are so grateful to our families who have willingly contributed to raffles and BBQs to ensure our continued fundraising success. Many thanks to the following families: Goudie family (The Bank), Elena Kelly (Bashful Designs), Siegrest family for donating sausages for multiple BBQs and Bakers Delight in Carnegie for keeping us supplied with bread for all the events.
We would like to thank some long standing PFA committee members who will be leaving our school this year. Thanks to Matt Lumsden and Natalie Mendez and Rosaline Natale and Mauro De Stefanis who have been committed members of the PFA for many years and will be greatly missed in 2025. To Monika Skiba and Hannah Irving who were also on the committee this year, we really appreciate all your efforts and contributions.
Naobh Deka and Kate Buick have done an excellent job leading the committee as Co-Presidents in the last 12 months and we look forward to seeing all the great things they can achieve in 2025. Thanks to Wes Folkard who is stepping down as Treasurer and Fiona Flynn who is stepping down as Secretary, we look forward to our new committee members next year with Elena Kelly stepping into the Secretary role and Iskra Petrova taking on the treasurer role.
Thanks so much to our Class Liaisons who have done an excellent job this year:
Junior SO Regelyn Way and Hannah Brasacchio
Junior TB Rebecca Rulla and Anna-Marie McGann
3/4 TO Efra Chairul and Sandra Tempes
5/6 MC Linda Pajovic and Rhonda Folkard
5/6 MN Rosaline Natale and Monika Skiba
We would like to say a special thank you to Kathy, who recently celebrated 30 years of work and dedication at our school. The PFA were able to purchase a vase and flowers for Kathy to acknowledge the wonderful work she has done over the years and all of the support she has given to our children. We wish her many more years at St. Anthony's and appreciate everything she does.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of the St Anthony's families a very happy and peaceful Christmas, it is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time together to reflect on the year that has passed. We look forward to seeing everyone for a fun-filled year in 2025.
All the best wishes from
The PFA Team