Education in Faith

We know that December means we are fast arriving at the celebration of the birth of the Lord. At present, we find ourselves in the season of Advent, an important time that prepares us for this celebration on the 25th of December. The word Advent comes from the Latin word 'Adventus' which translates to 'coming', and we know exactly who this is talking about in this case!
Through Advent we celebrate with our Advent Wreath and four candles, three purple and one pink. Each of these candles helps us mark the special theme of each week of Advent, and as we light the candles we reflect on the theme of the week and how this may look for us in our lives. Each Monday in December we have gathered as a school to pray on these themes.
Week One: Hope
What do we hope for? Sometimes lots of things! Nice weather, a quick drive to work, that the dinner we are cooking turns out ok! We reflect this week on our bigger hopes and dreams though, particularly what we hope for the ones we love. We also think about how we can make others hopes come true. How can we make others smile? Make their day better? What can we do to boost others instead of pulling them down?
Week Two: Peace
When we asked the students at our second prayer what this word meant, one of them offered "My parents ask for peace and quiet!" This is true these words fit together well! Peace also means to be calm, happy and content. In week two we think about how we can bring ourself peace in times of stress, whether through meditation, prayer or quiet activities. We also think how we can strive for peace with others, communicating effectively and working on solutions to problems together.
Week Three: Joy
This coincides with our last day of the school term, so there may be some joy as holidays begin! This week we think about the things we value and love, what makes us feel grateful? We think about the blessings in our life, which can sometimes be lost in the shuffle of our busy day. We also reflect on how we can bring joy to others, with gestures big and small. A smile, telling someone we love them or buying them the perfect gift in the Christmas season.
Week Four: Love
We hope to gather in love with those dear to us on and around the 25th of December. We also reflect on the love shown by Mary and Joseph as they brought Jesus into the world. We try and take the opportunity to show others our love and reflect on how we have been loved and supported throughout the entire year. Christmas is often a time of great generosity, and we know our gifts and wishes show love in different ways.
Our Christmas Appeal
Speaking of generosity, we are deeply grateful to our community for their incredible support of the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal!
The fact that St. Vincent de Paul specifically reached out to our school highlights how much they value our community’s commitment to helping those in need. All the Christmas food donations will be forwarded to brighten the holidays for others and make their Christmases extra special.
A Fantastic Year
We have enjoyed another fantastic year at St. Anthony's—busy, yet incredibly rewarding! We now look forward to a well-deserved break for all our students and staff.
As we close the year, let us take a moment in prayer to reflect on how truly fortunate we are to be part of the St. Anthony's community.
Thank you so very much for all of the support you have shown this year! May God bless all of our families through the Christmas and New Year period.
Tim O'Mahoney
Education in Faith Leader