School Council

School Council Newsletter - 12 December 2024
On Thursday 21 November, the School Council gathered in person for our last meeting of 2024.
The Policy and Curriculum Committee were tasked with the review and update of documentation relating to the Healthcare Needs Policy and the Digital Tech User Agreement. This committee has also been keeping the School Council up to date on the work being done with Team Kids to improve the experience of children and their families who rely on this service. Recent meetings, observations and survey results positively reflect all the good work that has been done throughout the year. A big thank you to everyone involved.
The key focus of this meeting was the review of the 2025 program budget. It is always an eye opener to see how many elements have to come together to make a budget for a school of just under 1200 students. From art supplies to photocopy paper, stationary, scissors, glue and glitter, technology, digital subscriptions and maintenance. It has all been balanced and planning for class numbers, staff and coloured pencils is just about done.
Mr Johns spoke of staffing numbers for 2025 which looks really positive, as well as enrolments for Foundation with 1 less class anticipated for the year ahead as our numbers slowly plateau. Mr Johns spoke to the current contracts that are in place with Team Kids, the canteen providers and Karate, with some up for renewal, and others, like Karate requesting an additional night in the gym. Council members were able to provide their own insights and experiences to shape improvements going forwards.
School Council would like to give a big shout out to Mr Johns who has been with us for 6 months now. He has taken on the role of Acting Principal at WVPS with energy and enthusiasm and with his team, has rolled out a number initiatives as a response to the School Review earlier this year. If you haven’t already had the opportunity to meet him, he can be found at a gate or in the yard at the end of the day along with our other Assistant Principals.
Finally we got to endorse one last activity to close out the year, the grade 6 Robotics Team once again made it into the National Finals. They travelled to Sydney on 1 December to represent WVPS. We are so proud of them and hope they had a lot of fun.
Our next School Council meeting is scheduled for 27 February and will be the last meeting for a number of our members with positions going up for reelection. Thank you to all School Council members for your time and contribution to the running of our wonderful school.
We would like to wish all of our Wyndham Vale Primary School community a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. We hope you enjoy this time with family and friends and return refreshed and excited for another year of learning.
Sharon Gatt – School Council President