Wellbeing News: Managing Transitions

Welcome Back! 

Dear Parents,


Welcome to the 2025 school year! We hope that you all had a fabulous holiday and enjoyed some rest and relaxation during this time. We are ready for another wonderful year of learning at St Joseph's. We have an exciting year to look forward to, with lots of school camps, Sacraments and liturgies as well as many, many sporting and extra-curricular events.


At St Joseph's, we believe that students achieve their best when they develop a strong connection to their school community and we will do everything we can to assist you and your child with the transition into a new school year. Whether it is their first time at school, they are transferring from another school or they are returning to commence a new year with a new teacher, here are some things that you can do to assist their transition: 


1. RE-ESTABLISH ROUTINES that may have been more relaxed over the holidays. Regular bedtimes, bath times and meal times are important for happy, relaxed children who are ready to learn. 


2. HELP YOUR CHILD GAIN INDEPENDENCE. Encourage them to organise their school bag and uniform the night before. Make sure that all of their items, such as lunchboxes, school hats, shoes, readers etc. are easily accessible in the morning. It is important that your child has practised packing, unpacking and carrying their own school bag. 


3. BE ON TIME TO SCHOOL. We cannot stress this enough, it is so important that your child is on time to school, so they can participate in the morning routine (class prayer, taking the roll, shared reading), in order to support them establishing a connection with their peers and teacher. 


4. BE POSITIVE. Starting back at school and being taught by new teachers will, for some children, be a challenging experience. It may take a few days or weeks to become familiar and comfortable with new routines. 


5. DON'T ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS. Show interest but don't push your child to deliver too many details about their day. They will talk about their school day in their own time. Your child simply needs to know that you are interested. 


6. MAKE SURE THEIR LUNCHBOXES ARE HEALTHY AND INTERESTING. Provide healthy sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt, vegetables etc and lots of water to drink. Don't overdo the 'treats', as they tend to lead to slumps in energy, where your child may feel tired and find it difficult to concentrate. 


7. GET TO KNOW YOUR CHILD'S TEACHER. Say hello before or after school, as this provides a great opportunity for you to hear how your child is settling in. 


8. KEEP AFTER SCHOOL ROUTINES SIMPLE IN THE FIRST FEW WEEKS. Children need time to relax and unwind after school. Try and restrict the number of extra-curricular activities and play dates until you and your child have become used to the new school routine. 


9. LABEL ALL BELONGINGS. This is vital! All items of clothing that your child brings to school must be labelled clearly (yes, even shoes and socks!). Sorting 26 pairs of shoes and socks can be daunting, even for the most experienced Prep teacher. 


10. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, PLEASE ASK! Your child's teacher should be your first port of call and the school Leadership Team are always happy to discuss any questions that may arise. 

Alannah Harrison & Tom Hartney

Deputy Principals