Art, Music, PE & STEM


Hello everyone, 


This week in Music, our Preps responded to loud and soft, and fast and slow.

The 1/2s and 3/4s improvised with chimes to songs, and the 3/4s also played ukuleles.

The 5/6s wrote and performed an advertisement to sell a red bike. 



The class Music Award goes to 5/6C for great song-writing during Music this week.

The individual awards go to Arlo Buck in 5/6C and Sophie Sanders in 5/6B for helping other students during Music lessons this week.


Thank you,

Mrs Megan Garland


In The Artroom

All grades continued the drawing unit in the Artroom this week.


Preps and gr 1/2s read the book “Where The Wild Things Are”, with discussion and observation of the different textures on the wild thing beasts. Students then used a marker to create a picture of the wild things with specific textures such as fur, feathers and scales.


Gr 3/4 and 5/6 created geometric animal designs using colour value and patterned designs. These are being laminated when completed and will be put on display. 


Gr 3/4 lunchtime art group have drawn and painted kookaburras using acrylic and watercolour paints and added details with paint pens. 


Ms Brown has posted 2 drawing competitions on our Hamilton Gray St Primary school facebook page, read the information and enter if you’re interested. 


There are also photos from the Artroom on the school’s facebook page.


Artists of this week and last week awards go to

  • Irvine Colombo
  • Anabella Doherty
  • Ollie Kelson

Well done to everyone on a great week of Art!

Ms Brown

Art Specialist