e-Learning News

Digital Technology in Action:
The Year 3/4 community has worked super hard this term on learning all about digital systems and the differences between inputs and outputs. We then moved on to coding and played a number of unplugged games.
The students have moved to working on creating simple games and animations online, using the platform Scratch. While some of the students are coding experts, others have been learning heaps through incidental game play on the program and getting help from their teachers and peers. Our digital tech lessons have always been super fun and engaging!
Ai - I have had lots of fun in our digital tech lessons. We have learned heaps about inputs and outputs and also how to use coding to create games and animations online.
Emma - Our digital tech lessons are fun. We get to help each other and the lessons make us want to continue our learning of tech.
Sophie - I find them inspiring and fun. They are creative lessons and I have been really enjoying them. I find them really engaging - you're having fun but also learning at the same time!
The students have made some cool online creations! For example, Jameson’s Scratch game called, ‘WOW,' where the player needs to keep the ball from touching the floor.
Or Emma’s Scratch game called, ‘Stacks,' where the object of the game is to stack the floors on top of each other and to see how many floors you can secure.
Stefanie Poropat
e-Learning Leader