From the Principal

Welcome back to Term 3 at St Thomas More, I hope everyone had the chance to recharge the batteries after an incredibly busy Term 2. I have enjoyed the stories of holidays and fun family adventures from both students and staff this week. Some families (such as mine) just enjoyed a relaxing break at home spending time with loved ones. Last weekend, we celebrated my youngest son Cameron's Baptism; it was a very special day for our family and friends. Cameron wasn't too fussed; in fact, he fell asleep on the floor during the service. It was a very funny few minutes, and we have a couple of memorable photos for his 21st.
We look forward to a busy term full of learning and fun. Next Monday and Tuesday we are holding our Parent / Teacher conversations, you can find the link to book below (if you have not done so already). This is a wonderful chance for families to discuss their child's progress with their classroom teacher.
On Thursday, 1st of August we are hosting our inaugural STM Learning Expo. This is a fantastic opportunity for our school to showcase some of our learning experiences with families. The event will start at 6:30pm in the school hall, families will then move over to the school and take part in a wide range of learning experiences. I highly encourage all families to attend.
For Principals, Term 3 is a very busy term as we start to plan for the following year. This term, I will be finalising our school budget, staffing and also our school class structure for 2025. Just for clarity purposes, I am exploring the idea of moving to five classes for next year. This would mean some of the classes may be a touch smaller than we are used to, but this will allow us to enrol new families and avoid turning prospective families away. This year, we have had such an increase in enrolments 3 of our 4 classes are now almost at capacity, and I have had to introduce a waiting list.
I thank all the families in our community who actively promote our school. Word of Mouth is by far the most important marketing tool for any school. I regularly hear on school tours that the prospective family has been recommended to us by a current family. It means so much that families are speaking so highly of our school to others.
There are some very handy tip sheets for parents in the ICT - Cyber Safety tab. These documents are provided through our partnership with Inform and Empower.
Please keep a close eye on the Important Dates and Upcoming Events Tab.
Teeth on Wheels:
Dear Families,
Your child’s dental health is important to us, that’s why Teeth on Wheels will be visiting our school starting on August 27th 2024.
Click the link below to sign your child up - IT MIGHT BE FREE!
Teeth on Wheels are focused on providing a positive dental experience and specialise in working with children. They can provide check-ups and clean appointments, as well as treatment on-site, and will be able to advise you if your child is eligible to receive dental care for FREE under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
Please complete your form today. The Teeth on Wheels team will contact you to confirm and schedule your child’s appointment. - Forms must be completed by August 20th 2024 for your child to participate. If you cannot access the E-form, please visit the school reception for a paper form.
Update your details:
Please remember that if you change your details (phone number or address) it is important that you let the office know.
Welcome to our new families:
In the last edition of the newsletter I welcomed Leo (Yr 2) and his family to our community. This week we welcome three additional students and their families to our wonderful community. Sofia, Nia and Ollie will all be in the 2/3 class. I am sure they will be made to feel very welcome.
We also welcome Michael and Elsa who join our community on a study tour from China. They will be with us for around five weeks. We hope they enjoy their experience.
Bunnings BBQ:
Thanks to Audrey from the PnF for once again liaising with Bunnings to organise a date and time for our school community sausage sizzle fundraiser. Something was posted on Operoo earlier this week around availability of volunteers on the day. Last year we had a great turn out and we are hopeful of another successful day. The school is looking at installing a Gaga Pit on the playground, and the funds raised on the day will go towards this.
I would also like to pass my thanks to Bunnings Scoresby. Gracie and the team are always looking for ways to help our school community and we are incredibly grateful.
Parent / Teacher conversations:
Late last term a link was shared with families to book in for a Parent / Teacher conversation early in Term 3. The dates for the conversations are Monday, July 22 and Tuesday, July 23. We kindly ask that families who engage in termly PSG meetings with school staff refrain from booking in for a Parent / Teacher conversation as these types of meetings already happen each term for you and your child/ren. I have also provided the link here for any family that missed the original SchoolStream.
Puffing Billy Excursion: (Prep-3)
On Tuesday, 23rd of July our Prep - Year 3 students are making the short journey to Puffing Billy for a fun day trip. An Operoo went out late last term, please make sure you have accepted this and your child's medical profile is up to date. Due to the arrival time of Puffing Billy back to Belgrave station the students and staff will arrive back at school slightly later than a normal school day. This information along with a complete timetable of the day is on the Operoo form.
STM Learning Expo:
I am so excited to share this event with families. Please make a note in your diary for Thursday 1st of August. This inaugural event will showcase some of the wonderful learning that happens at our school. All families are welcome, the event will begin in the school hall at 6:30 pm in the evening. It is sure to be a spectacular event.
School Disco:
We are once again holding our annual school disco on August 15th (Thursday) starting at 6:30pm-8:30pm. The following day is a school closure day. More information will be shared shortly.
4/5/6 Excursion to Apple and LegoLand:
From all reports the students had a great day out on the last day of Term 2. Please see below a photo of their Apple Experience.
STM Swimming Program:
We will be holding our yearly swimming program at Monbulk Aquatic Centre in coming weeks. The sessions start on Monday 19th of August and run for the entire week. An Operoo will go home in the next week or so.
Chicago: Mater Christi and St Joseph's Production
On Thursday, August 1st, our Year 4s and 5s have been invited to a sneak preview of the Mater Christi and St Joseph's production Chicago. It is always a fun event, and it is wonderful that we get a special invitation. An Operoo will be sent out early next week.
Lunch Orders - Mondays:
Subway Vermont South and Canteen Hub are very pleased to be able to offer the Subs For Your School Lunch Program.
- Every Monday
- Place your order by 4:30 pm Sunday - the day before
- If you are using a VPN please select Australia
- Please register at
- Select St Thomas More Primary School
- If you need to cancel your order this can be done via under your profile up to the order cut-off time.
- Need help please email
Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge:
If your child is interested in joining the Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge, please let our school Library technician and LSO, Lisa Norris know.
Lisa can be contacted on
Thank you and God bless