Grade 1 and 2 News
Term 2, Week 10
Grade 1 and 2 News
Term 2, Week 10
Maths Problem Solving and Book Responses
During the last fortnight our Grade 1 and 2 students have continued to be hardworking, studious little people, despite lots of illness in our classes.
Mathematics lessons have had a strong problem solving focus and students have been practising, the sometimes uncomfortable feeling of being in the 'learning pit'.
Some of the photos below show students displaying their book responses, following reading the focus text 'Flood'. Students were then asked to draw a picture that represented what we had seen and discussed, perhaps a rescue scene or heroes helping.
Reading, Writing and Spelling:
Throughout term 3 students will be read the focus texts listed below. Our reading and Writing lessons will be connected to these books, including looking at writing Narratives (character development) and Poetry.
Our sounds and heart words for the term will include:
Mathematics: In term 3 mathematics we plan to cover doubling and halving, repeated addition, multiplication, division, fractions, location, data, length and capacity.
Topic: Our topic next term is 'Celebrating Differences', where students will be immersed in the food, games, music and traditions of different cultures. They will explore the meaning of traditions as they build objects and experience cultural traditions. We will also spend time looking at France and Paris, linked with the upcoming Summer Olympics.
Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships (RRRR): Next term the topic of RRRR is Positive Coping. The students will work through a number of lessons focusing on different emotions, how to cope with them and ways to manage emotions such as anger and fear. They will explore the ideas of cheering up and also calming down.