The Moorabbin Primary School Community touch the land and think of the Bunurong People and surrounding Clans of the Kulin Nation who cared for the land before us.

We share our gratitude to their Elders past, present and emerging.  As we touch this land, we promise to treasure it, taking care of all its people, animals, plants and waterways. We at Moorabbin Primary School appreciate this land. Thank you.

I hope you all had a restful long weekend and found something enjoyable to do out of the wet weather. Winter has certainly come upon us all of a sudden. We still have a number of students arriving at school without jumpers/jackets and as we go outside to play when it’s cold this can be uncomfortable.


Lost property is becoming a HUGE ISSUE for our School

In and around the school children are leaving behind their jumpers and belongings these are all UNNAMED! 


On Friday I will have a table outside the main office area for any parent to have a look and feel free to pick up any of these items and reclaim them as whatever is left will be donated to charity organisations. It is also very important to make sure each jumper is labelled with your child’s name as it is impossible to return items found in the yard if we don’t know who to give them to.




Traffic Management 

Traffic Management around the school: In particular, a focus on the pick up at 3.30pm at the Le Page Street section. 


I have had neighbours and our parents complain quite rightly about some parents “racing” down the street with other bystanders having to move children who were nearly hit”. There are other related issues, such as children getting in and out of cars in the middle of the road which creates a safety risk as the visibility of little ones moving into the middle of the road is poor / reduced. 


Ideally, if drivers followed the traffic rules, our current system of drop off and pick up is manageable and works … although we know it is ‘clunky’.

Emotions can tip when other drivers intentionally disobey the traffic laws and it’s not fair on the 95% of parents who are doing the right thing. 


Let’s hope we can all work together to see improvements, some parents need to work with the current arrangements and follow the traffic rules.  In summary we want easy drop off and pick up systems and we do not want anyone to get injured.


Parent teacher interviews


Parent/Teacher interview timeslots are open and available for booking through the Trybooking. All parents have received a message via compass detailing this information. If there is no time, then the teacher has already been booked. Please make direct contact with your child’s teacher to organise a different time that is suitable to you both. Split families have also been provided with these details. Further along in this newsletter are instructions to assist with how to book an interview.


Staffing News


Many of you will already be aware that for a variety of reasons, we have made the decision to redirect some staff. This does have a domino effect but at the core of these decisions it is to ensure the best outcome for the children. Ms Fallon who was supporting 56M is now the full-time teacher of 4P. Mr Ponirovsky for personal reasons had decided to not return to his position after a challenging term 2. We wish him well and are very pleased that Ms Fallon was available to step in and support both the children and families of 4P. 


What does this mean for 56M?


We are currently recruiting for a replacement for Ms Fallon’s position to provide stability and less disruption for 56M. During this period of time both Mr Corrigan and I have been teaching 56MT to keep them together as a class and make sure there is minimal disruption to their learning. It is not ideal but extremely important as the status of applicants and the shortages of teaching staff right now is at an all-time high. As soon as we have been able to fill this position, I will inform our community with an update. Fingers crossed that I can finalise this before the end of next week. 


Long service leave


I am informing our community that I will be on long service leave for the first three weeks of term 3. I will be travelling to Greece to assist my daughter and her partner as they become best man and matron of honour for a family wedding. During this period of time Mr Corrigan will be in charge and lead the school during my absence and by his side as the acting Assistant Principal will be, Mr Stephen Leeden (2L teacher). I know that you will all support them both during this period of time.


Congratulations on successful Ongoing position


I was recently able to offer two ongoing positions at MPS and after a very rigorous process and 6 contract staff putting themselves forward for the opportunity. 

For this round I would like to congratulate Mrs Vesna Bozalo and Ms Ruby Fallon who are now ongoing staff members. Congratulations to these fantastic educators and well done to everyone who applied. It was not an easy process, and the panel certainly had their work cut out for them. Once I hear back from all our other part time staff, those on leave and once our numbers are confirmed I will then be able to determine how many more staff our school requires and how many teachers we will need.


Please remember that if you know you are leaving our MPS community I need to have this information sooner rather than later. It could mean 1 teacher that we get to keep, or it could mean 1 teacher that will need to look for another position elsewhere.


Last day  of term 2- Friday 28th June - dress up and donate gold coin from our SRC students


Our active SRC leaders would like to raise awareness around cancer and this year the colours are the different cancers that may have affected families and or loved ones. I will be wearing yellow to acknowledge the passing and the devastating affect that Bone Cancer had on my father and our family. The SRC leadership group would like everyone to dress up in one or two of the colours below or if you chose not to but would like dress casually and also donate a gold coin that is also acceptable.

  • Lung cancer: white.
  • Brain cancer: grey.
  • Breast cancer: pink.
  • Liver cancer: emerald green.
  • Lymphoma: lime green.
  • Prostate cancer: light blue.
  • Stomach cancer: periwinkle blue.
  • Bone cancer: yellow 


Noxia Angelides
