Middle School News-Yr 3/4

FIRST EUCHARIST  - Important Information


Days of Eucharist Celebrations 

  • Sunday, 4 August 2024 at 10.30 am - Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
  • Sunday, 11 August 2024 at 5.00 pm - Our Lady of Good Counsel Church

We hope you have all had a restful, peaceful holiday break. We are very much looking forward to the exciting experiences Term 3 will bring. 


If you wish to contact us please see the bottom of this page with our details.

3/4 Teaching Team 2024


Please see below our overview of Term Three. 




Friday 19th JulyOpening of Term 3 Mass 9:15 amFriday 30th AugustFather’s Day Stall
Monday 29th JulyFirst Eucharist Reflection Day at TemplestoweTuesday 10th SeptemberDistrict Athletics 
Thursday 1st AugustYear 3/4 District BasketballFriday 13th September

Sacrament Year 5/6 

Confirmation Mass

Sunday 4th AugustFirst Eucharist MassWednesday 18th September

Madagascar Production at Genazzano


End of Term Mass at 9.15am

Friday 9th AugustYear 3-4 Girls Siena Aspire ProgramThursday 19th SeptemberMadagascar Production at Genazzano
Monday 19th AugustBook Week (Till the 23rd August 2024).Friday 20th SeptemberLast day of Term 3


Religious Education

In Religious Education this term, both the students, school staff and the parish community are all very excited to support the celebration and sacrament of the FIrst Communion. We will continue to unpack the order of the mass, and the importance of the sacraments as we lead up to the celebration for our Year 4 students. We will also be looking at how we, in a catholic school, interpret the world through a lens of relationship with the sacred. The students will reflect on relationships with God, self, others and creation.



The Term 3 Inquiry Unit is developed around Digital Technology. Our big question is: How can digital technology enrich our lives? Student’s will discover a range of digital systems with peripheral devices for different purposes, and use digital technology to explain how student-developed solutions and existing information systems meet common personal, school or community needs.



In Literacy students will continue to unpack mentor texts as a whole class. Using these texts students will build their understanding of  how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose, audience and context, including tense and types of sentences. Using Heggarty, students will be practising  how to apply knowledge of letter–sound relationships, and blending and segmenting to read and use more complex words with less common consonant and vowel clusters. Students will continue to plan, draft and publish imaginative and informative texts demonstrating their  increasing knowledge of text structures and language features. 



This term, students will begin by completing their unit on statistics and data displays. Using digital technology, students will be exploring data representation and asking questions to analyse their findings. We will then continue developing our knowledge of Number and Algebra through multiplication and division. Students will be unpacking various strategies they can use to assist with solving equations, and ways to record their reasoning and understanding. Students will then begin exploring geometry, creating and measuring both 2D and 3D shapes. 



Assemblies will continue to be held at 8:50 am in the morning on Fridays, for the remainder of 2024. 


Homework Expectations


This term we will continue implementing homework tasks. Students will be given a literacy and mathematics task to complete. We advise students to complete approximately 20 minutes of homework each night.  Student’s will go through their homework and the requirements on Thursday in class. They will take their homework books home with the required instructions on Friday, to be completed over the weekend and the course of the week.  Homework is then due back Thursdays. Students will all have access to the instructions via Google Classroom, as well as the printed copy which will be pasted into their homework books. 



  • Student’s need to bring their charged device everyday.
  • Canteen on Monday & Friday, student’s are responsible for their own money. 
  • Assembly is now held fortnightly on a Friday Morning in the Atrium. 

PE Uniform Required


3/4 KM

3/4 TM

3/4 M

PE - Monday

Class Sport - Friday

PE - Monday

Class Sport - Tuesday

PE - Tuesday

Class Sport - Friday


Parent - Teacher Communication

3/4 K

3/4 TM

3/4 M

Monday - Thursday

Cecily Kerr: ckerr@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au 


Leah Blake: lblake@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au 


Monday-Wednesday, Friday

Olivia Tallarico: otallarico@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au 


Diandra Merola: dmerola@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au 

Lucy McNamara: lcmnarama@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au