Principal Update

Thursday 20 June
Foundation 2025 Enrolment and Term 2 School Tours
This term schools across the state begin the enrolment process for Foundation in 2025. New and existing families are invited to tour the school by making an appointment.
Enrolments can be made online here
Semester 1 Reports
Student reports will be available tomorrow afternoon from 3pm via Compass. Thank you to our teaching staff for their efforts compiling reports and conducting the relevant assessments to make judgements.
Throughout the semester our students complete learning tasks that are part of our continuous assessment practices. Continuous reporting should be a truly reflective and meaningful way of providing feedback on our students’ learning. Teachers provide students and families with results as they go. This allows students to constantly reflect on their progress, set goals and make improvements during the year. Our teachers provide detailed and effective feedback and spend time writing quality assessments which allows us to adapt to the specific needs of the individual students. We place importance on assessing for feedback rather than assessing just for reporting purposes!
It is recommended that you access a laptop or desktop computer to be able to properly see the reports and learning tasks. If you are using your phone you will need to open in the browser which isn’t as user friendly.
We will be having parent/teacher/student interviews on Thursday 25 July which will be a student free day. Bookings will be available to be made next week. This will allow you enough time to have a look at your child’s report and learning tasks.
If you need any assistance accessing the reports on Compass please contact your child’s teacher or the office.
Staffing Update
Shelley Hughes will be retiring at the conclusion of her long service leave at the end of the term. Shelley has been with MCPS since 2000. Staff and family celebrated and acknowledged her significant contribution on Monday at a special lunch. It was exactly what Shelley wanted (and deserved).
Darian (Dee) Stray has recently decided to change course in life, buy a van and go travelling – very exciting. She will finish with us next week also. Dee has been an Education Support at MCPS since 2019, working across our classes in F-4 assisting our students. We will miss her energy but wish her well as she embarks on wonderful adventures.
Alison Scott will be taking some long service leave next week.
Student Acknowledgement
Last Saturday, Wade in 56D, held an art exhibition at the Burrinja Cultural Centre. This was the culmination of many hours of work with his teacher and it was wonderful to see so many of our school community enjoying the display. Congratulations Wade, you should be very proud of your efforts.
Celebration of Learning
Today our 3/4 students have enjoyed showcasing their projects to each other, families and staff. Next week our 5/6 students will have their time to shine. Our students have been working incredibly hard and it is nice to be able to celebrate this learning and share some knowledge gained.
Our Junior school today have been celebrating Milo’s birthday. Milo is an integral part of our literacy program and it is wonderful seeing the students all dressed up representing a letter of choice, as well as the odd superhero!
Thanks to families for supporting these activities either by attending, sorting costumes and/or providing food. It is great seeing this involvement.
Thanks to our staff for always supporting, guiding and encouraging our students and making learning fun.
EDEC Lightning Premiership – thank you
Last week our Year 5/6 students with some help from a few Year 4’s competed in the EDEC Lightning Premiership day. The weather was chilly but we couldn’t be happier with the attitudes of our students and the way they participated in netball, volleyball or volleystars. Thanks to the staff who supported the students. It certainly paid off and it was wonderful to see the smiles on the faces of our students both playing and supporting throughout the day.
Thanks also to Kate Keys, Sarah Homans, Laura Lane, Shara Ulrick, Jess Wilhelm, Roz Wilson for running the canteens at both venues. This is a huge task but greatly appreciated.
Parent Battle of the Bands
We have a band! Details have been passed on and we are awaiting further details. This should be spectacular!
Our next assembly will be next Friday 28 June at 2pm
End of term 2 - We will finish at 2:30pm on Friday 28 June
Start of term 3 - School returns on Monday 15 July.
Upcoming dates to be aware of
- Wednesday 26 June – 5/6 celebration of learning at 2:40
- Thursday 27 June – student disco party – see flyer in newsletter
- Thursday 25 July – student free day.
(Staff will have professional learning in the morning and then conduct three-way conferences from 12pm – 5pm with families)
- Friday 26 July – Trivia night (adults)
- Monday 4 November – this will be an assessment and reporting day
Dale McInerney