A message from Margie

Disco madness!
We had 135 students at our Disco last night... that must be some kind of record! The students absolutely loved the music and dancing activities put on by Heidi from Dancify. Thank you to Amanda Preskett for organising the disco and for setting up a calm corner, and the many parents who helped out on the night. We hope you enjoy these photos of our kids grooving! 💃🕺🤸♀️✨🎵
Wellbeing survey
I'm sure you already know that student wellbeing is very important to us at this school. Did you also know that we do a Wellbeing Survey each term? In week 7 of each term we survey all of the students in the school to see how safe they are feeling and to let us know if we can help them in any way. We use this information to check in with individual students who may need support and to collect data about how safe the students are feeling across the school. We're pleased to see that the majority of students report feeling safe at school; this term 92% of students said they felt safe (safe, very safe or pretty safe) at school. The highest yet!
In the survey we also ask students to name any children who may have been unkind or hurtful to them over the last term. Any children who have been named on more than 3 students' pages are asked to participate in wellbeing counselling with Kirrily or myself, so that we can support them to get along better with their peers and keep themselves and others safe. We know this process is successful since most students who undergo this process are not named again.
Of course, we also celebrate the children who have been named as being especially kind of helpful on 3 or more students' surveys. There are always so many!
Please talk to your children about the survey, and remind them to use this as a way of getting support if needed. Of course, students don't need to wait for the survey, any of the adults at school will be happy to help at any time.
I am always excited to talk about student wellbeing, so please feel welcome to catch me for a chat if you have any questions. 🙂
I wish you a wonderful fortnight! 😊