Inclusive Education

Work Placement

Six of our Inclusive Education students are doing work placement with three community organisations, the Salvation Army, Goulburn Options and Seymour Health. The students work at each facility one day a week for five weeks and then will rotate to the next placement. Work placement remains an integral part of students learning and career development. It helps students develop employability skills; explore possible career options; understand employer expectations; and increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence, and self-confidence. Without the support of these wonderful organisations and other local employers, opportunities such as these simply couldn’t exist, and Seymour College is very grateful to each and every one of them. 

 Carol Fisher - Careers Practitioner, Seymour College.

SM News

In the second half of term two, SM welcomed a new teacher, Madonna. Because Madonna is part of an Orchestra, SM have introduced a new music lesson and have been exploring new instruments and different genres of music. All students have had the opportunity to try a violin and soon will be able to try the Cello, another string instrument. Students are loving this new program and are looking forward to learning more.