Principal's Report

Debbie Oliver

In this fast-moving world of technology, it can sometimes be challenging for a parent to keep up with the latest advice regarding e-safety. The below link, developed by the government, provides various resources, webinars, and fact sheets specifically targeted at parents. I strongly encourage every parent to click the link below and check out these resources.


Next term, Seymour College staff will continue our professional development in the Berry Street Trauma Informed Practice. This day will be in the first week back on Friday 19th July. Year 11 & 12 classes in VM and VCE will run on this day. All other students are not required at school. We will also be participating in a regional professional development day on Friday, 16th August together with other schools in our area. No students are required to be at school on this day.


It was great to see students and staff work together last week to raise money for MND. Well done to VM students for organising this event and also to their teachers, Leanne Hayek and Lisa Macheras, for making the day happen. And, of course, it couldn't have happened without volunteers willing to take a dip!



With the term break only a week away, I thank our students, staff and families for another successful term and hope everyone has a restful holiday. Hopefully not too many frosts! 




Debbie Oliver
