School News and Information
Stage 3 News
This Semester students in Stage 3 have been studied the Science unit ‘Earthquake Explorers’. Students have learnt lots about science and how earthquakes occur and their special properties. Here is a snapshot of what some of the students have learnt,
- The tectonic plates that cause earthquakes are thinner in the ocean than on the land - Quade
- You need a strong base for an earthquake resistant building - Harry
- I’ve learnt about the different types of earthquakes and how they form - Abbie
- Earthquakes can be strong and powerful- Arie
- Some earthquakes can be dangerous, and others can be small and minor - Lachlan
- Earthquakes can cause dangerous Tsunamis and some buildings are built to withstand earthquakes - Bella
- Australia is in the middle of a tectonic plate, but New Zealand is situated in-between two tectonic plates - Amelia.
- Newcastle in Australia had an earthquake, but it was minor compared to other earthquakes
- Tectonic plates move differently - Sonny
- How tectonic plates move and grid together - Lane
- Earthquakes are measured using the richer scale and magnitude - Katie
- There are 3 different types with different names - Lia
In addition to studying earthquakes, the children have also read the book ‘One Small Island’ by Coral Tulloch and Alison Lester, which describes the history of Macquarie Island. We discussed how the Aurora Australis can be viewed from this part of the world then used chalk pastels to create our own interpretations of this amazing natural phenomenon. The children really embraced the use of a different medium and background colour, thoughtfully creating unique artworks.
Mrs Bull & Mrs Townsend