Principal's Report



Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Colleagues,


As we come to the conclusion of Semester 1, on behalf of our executive team we wish you a safe and enjoyable school holiday period. Thank you for your dedication and contributions to our school community throughout the semester.





Regular attendance is crucial for success in school and beyond. We value family partnership in supporting their child's education, and we want to emphasise the importance of consistent attendance. Research shows that students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve academically and develop important social skills. Classroom interactions, hands-on learning experiences, and group activities all contribute significantly to your child's educational growth.


We understand that unforeseen circumstances may occasionally affect attendance. If your child is facing challenges that impact their ability to attend school regularly, please contact us so we can work together to provide support. Our school's attendance policies are designed to encourage and support regular attendance, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive academically. We encourage you to review these policies and reach out if you have any questions.


Thank you for your commitment to your child's education. Together, we can help them achieve their full potential. Please feel free to contact your child's house team with any concerns or for additional support.





The school uniform policy plays a vital role in fostering a sense of community, equality, and pride among our students. It ensures that all students focus on their learning in a professional and respectful environment. Our uniform policy specifies that students are required to wear college uniform every school day. Adherence to this policy reflects positively on our school and contributes to our overall educational mission.


We understand that there may be challenges in maintaining the full uniform due to growth spurts or financial considerations. If your family encounters difficulties in meeting these requirements, please reach out to your child's house team confidentially. We are committed to working with you to find solutions that support your child's needs.


We kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that your child arrives at school dressed in the complete school uniform. Your support is invaluable in maintaining our school's standards and promoting a positive learning environment for all students.


If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding the uniform policy, please do not hesitate to contact your child's house team. We appreciate your partnership in this matter.





Congratulations to our student leadership group who organised a uniform free day today, wearing oodies, pyjamas and tracksuits. It made for a very comfortable end of term.


Congratulations to our Senior Girls Basketball team who won at finals! Thank you for representing Kurunjang and demonstrating such talent.





Semester one reports are now available to families via Compass.



We look forward to seeing students back at Kurunjang Secondary College from the beginning of semester 2 on Monday 15th July in full college uniform and ready to learn and attend every day.


Have a safe and enjoyable school holiday period.


Melanie Hayward

Acting Principal