Principal Team's Report

Renee Cotterell, Scott McKinnon and Melanie Brown

This fortnight...

It's hard to believe we're already heading towards the mid-point of Term 1! We've jumped straight into our learning programs and I am so proud of the manner in which our students have begun the school year. We've welcomed many new students throughout all year levels this year and I hope they have felt warmly welcomed into the Springers Family. 


It was great to see so many students participating enthusiastically in our Athletics Day this week. Thank you to the cheer squad supporters who came down to clap and cheer for our little athletes. We certainly have some talented runners, jumpers and throwers out there!

Community Involvement

A big part of what makes Pakenham Springs so great is the involvement we have from our community members. Just this last fortnight, we've welcomed our families onsite to attend our meet and greet, had cheer squads coming to cheer on our Inter-School Sports teams, held our Springers celebrations recognising the amazing work of our little people and we've also had a large amount of supporters cheering on our Athletic Day participants. Part of the success of a school can be measured by the amount of family involvement they have, and I am so proud to have such an active community helping support all of our learners. Please feel free to pop in and attend events as they arise during the year. We love seeing our families join in our activities, especially families of some of our older students! Stay tuned for lots of opportunities coming up!

Wellbeing and building connections

At Pakenham Springs, I am so proud of the well-being and school connection programs we have on offer. Over the past 2 days, it has been a joy to watch the following in process:


1 - Class Buddies - all of our classes across the school are buddied up and have scheduled times to get together. There is a specific focus for each session, with the aim of building connections and a sense of belonging amongst students across all year levels.


2 - Community Open Afternoons - we schedule afternoon events throughout the year (at least 1 per term) where families can visit the classrooms, chat with staff and enjoy spending time at the school. Not only does this build a great school community environment, it also helps build strong partnerships between the school and families, as well as sending a message to your children that you have prioritised coming to school, and being an active participant in their education, over all the other busy things you have to do.


3 - Year 6 Buddy Breakfast - all of our Year 6 students are matched with an adult buddy across the school. As our senior students navigate their final year of Primary School, an additional adult to support them can be invaluable. We have scheduled a buddy breakfast each term, as well as a lunch catch-up to ensure that strong relationships and avenues for support are built within our schools. 


Just 3 of the reasons I love Pakenham Springs so much! None of these things would be possible without AMAZING staff, students and families!

SunSmart at PSPS

A reminder that hats are non-negotiable at Pakenham Springs during Terms 1 and 4. This includes on rainy and overcast days. Please ensure your child has a navy broad-brimmed or legionnaire-style hat to wear when playing and learning outside.


We encourage all students to apply sunscreen in the morning before school and to reapply during the day as necessary. Parents may wish to supply a small bottle of roll-on sunscreen in their child's bag. Unfortunately, this is not something we can supply or assist students with due to health and safety regulations and Child Safe Standards.

Where to get information at PSPS

The first point of call for information at Pakenham Springs is always Compass and your child's class teacher. Please think about the tone and language you use when clarifying issues or concerns - we are all here for the same reason - to get the best possible outcome for all students!


If you believe that your concern has not been dealt with thoroughly, after speaking to the classroom teacher, please contact the office to make an appointment with one of our Assistant Principals or Leading Teacher. If required, the Assistant Principals or Leading Teacher may refer a concern to the Principal to deal with.

School Council 2025

I would like to take the opportunity to thank our hard-working School Council for their service to Pakenham Springs.


This year our School Council members are:

Executive Officer - Renee Cotterell

DET Members - Sally Baker, Mara Cook, Kate Marshall

Parent Members - Taryn LaGreca, Michael Whiting, Kimberley Dowel,  Lauren Leeder, Sarah Scott-Worthington, Jodie Taylor, Jay Allen, Kate Mowbray

Business Manager (visitor) - Kylie Hunter


I would also like to extend a giant THANK YOU to Kirsty Manning, Emily Landolfo and Vanessa Mercan who have retired from School Council this year after many years of service. We appreciate everything you've done to help make our school a fabulous place. 

Safety Reminder - coming to and from school

Please, please, please have a chat with your child/ren about travelling safely to school! The number of near-misses that are reported to us, where students have walked or run straight out in front of cars, is truly frightening. 


It is a school rule that bikes and scooters are walked within the school yard, and also on the paths adjacent to the school. Until a child crosses a road (Henry Rd, Heritage BLVD or Livingstone BLVD), or is up to the community oval, they should be walking their bike/scooter. 


No child should be riding a bike or a scooter without a properly fitted, Australian Safety Standard-approved helmet on their head. Again, please have a chat with your child/ren about this - a helmet on their handlebars does not have the same protective effect!

Supervision before school

Students are not to arrive at school until 8:30 am on school mornings.  Staff do not begin their workday until this time, and there is insufficient supervision available in the mornings.  Any student arriving before 8:30am will be asked to sit at the office and wait. We ask for your support in this matter.  Likewise, under no circumstances are students allowed to leave the school grounds in the morning and go across to the shops.  Not only is this incredibly unsafe, with them crossing the busy Heritage BLVD road unsupervised, but a small number of students are also coming back having purchased items inappropriate for the school day.  


Please contact OSHClub if you need to organise care and supervision for your child/ren outside of 8:30 am - 3:30 pm.


Have a wonderful fortnight,


The PSPS Leadership Team