P&F News

Upcoming P&F Meeting

Wednesday 28 February 2024, 6.00pm to 7.00pm in the Pratton Centre Meeting Room.


All parents are welcome to join physically or online via Microsoft Teams.

From the P&F President

We were blessed with fabulous weather for our Welcome Sundowner this year.  It was a great evening for new and old friends to catch-up on our school grounds.  I would like to thank the school Executive for supporting this event, and Mrs Julia Bairstow, without whom this event wouldn’t be possible.  I would also like to thank the 'boys behind the bar', our Vice President, Mr Darryl Hancock, Immediate Past President, Mr Jim Darmody and P&F stalwart, Mr John Bryne.  Additional thank yous go to Chef Nick and his team for their wonderful culinary creations, Teresa and the hospitality team for their diligent service and the grounds crew for getting onto site the bits and pieces we needed. Everyone came together to create a great night.

This month we are continuing with our community-building events:


Year Seven Integration Event – Sunday 18 February at 3.00pm

All Year Seven families and students are invited to the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex between 3.00pm and 5.00pm.  The parents can catch up whilst the students play basketball, netball or cricket.  We hope to see all families, old and new expanding the connections in this year group.  We will be providing the food and drinks, all we need from you is your attendance.


Primary School P&F BBQ – Friday 23 February at 3.00pm

At the conclusion of school at 3.00pm we will be cranking up the BBQs and serving sausages in a bun along with a cold drink to the students and families. This is an opportunity for families to interact in a relaxed environment and get to know each other a little better.


The DIGS guys are looking for volunteers for their Bunning Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 16 March, it’s a great opportunity for dad and the kids to get on down there and spend some time cooking sausages for a good cause. Please contact David Marshall on 0418 924 176 to book your spot.


As always, we seek your input into areas that you’d like us to focus our attention, please reach out to me with any of these via email at jason.pages@iinet.net.au.


Mr Jason Pages | P&F President

Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS) 

As highlighted in last week's newsletter the DIGS Group has grown from an initiative of The Fathering Project.  The Fathering Project produces a weekly email newsletter which gives tools and tips to help dads and other father figures be the best they can be.  Sign up via the website  https://thefatheringproject.org/  


Don't forget to join our private Facebook group 'DIGS at GSG' to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities. Mums are welcome to join too!


If you would like text (and/or WhatsApp) reminders of events then please text your name and the school year of your child/children to DIGS Coordinator David Marshall on 0418 924 176.

DIGS events for Term One

  • Monthly Meetings
    The DIGS group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 6.30pm to 8.30pm upstairs at the Premier Hotel.
  • Kayak event - Sunday 25 February, 2.00pm to 4.00pm
    An event for dads and their kids to enjoy together - canoeing and kayaking on the Kalgan River.  Launching from the rowing sheds adjacent to the Lower Kalgan Bridge.
  • Bunnings Sausage Sizzle - Saturday 16 March
    The DIGS group has secured an opportunity to run the sausage sizzle at Bunnings and raise some funds for the group's activities.  Volunteer helpers needed!

Look forward to meeting you soon.


Mr Luke Murnane, President

0417 944 789


Mr David Marshall, DIGS Coordinator

0418 924 176