From the Principal

This is community

Last Friday, the P&F hosted their annual Welcome Sundowner. Attendance was up on previous years and existing families, new families, alumni, and staff thoroughly enjoyed the time of fellowship together.  


The event was a great example of community in action. It was one of celebrating our diversity and shaping inclusion, the very essence of GSG. 


I would like to personally thank P&F President, Mr Jason Pages, the extended P&F team, Community Relations Manager, Mrs Julia Bairstow, Deputy Principal, Mrs Emma Franklin, Chef Nick Harvey and Head of Technologies, Mrs Teresa McAllister, for their significant contribution in making this evening a great success. It was wonderful to see the Year Twelve Certificate II Hospitality students serving canapes and our Year Twelve leaders chatting with families.


Last Saturday the Year Twelve Ball was hosted at Retravision Stadium. This was my first experience of a significant milestone event for our Year Twelve students. The community welcomed the students onto the red carpet adding to the sights and sounds of this celebration. The event demonstrated how wonderful our connection is with each other and the pride we all share in our school. 


In the spirit of fun, I did make three cameo appearances on the dance floor along with our Heads of Houses and staff. 


I big thank you to Mrs Emma Poole Year Twelve Ball Coordinator, Mr Ian Robson Head of Cocurricular and Teaching Staff Operations, Mrs Renae O'Donnell VET & CareersCoordinator, Heads of House, parents, and friends who made this evening a highlight of the school year. 


On Wednesday, GSG hosted the annual Years Seven to Nine Interhouse Swimming Carnival at ALAC. Another example of school spirit, connections and community as students, staff and families cheered on all participants.  All students, whatever their results, were equally supported, demonstrating the strength of engagement and encouragement that is embedded in our culture. 


This year, our vision of 'one community' has certainly been evident in the past week. It is through meaningful connections, engagement, and support that the spirit of our school is ignited for the benefit of all. 


May we continue to enhance our community of inclusion and belonging as we nurture hope, aspiration, and pride at Great Southern Grammar. 


And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.  

Hebrews 10:24-25 


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal