Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

February Aussies of the Month 

It is my pleasure to Congratulate the February Aussies of the Month. 


At LNPS, Aussie of the Month recipients are chosen using success criteria that are aligned with our school values. Students need to demonstrate the school values every day to be considered for the award. 


There are three students chosen each month for the award. There is one recipient chosen from the Early Years, Torrens and Fisher. Teachers from each section of the school are responsible for nominating students each month. 


Please keep reading below to see the February Aussie of the Month recipients. 


"Mason is a kind, caring and thoughtful learner who continuously displays the LNPS School Values & LQ. He strives for his personal best with great resilience and persistence. Mason is an exceptional individual and it has been a pleasure having him join our M4 team this year. Mason, you are a very deserving recipient of this award. I have no doubt that you will continue to aim high and do well in everything that you set out to achieve. Congratulations Mason"

Mrs Atkinson


Mason Brooke-Smith (MELLOR)
Mason Brooke-Smith (MELLOR)

"Lily has started the 2024 school year demonstrating the School Values at a high level. She is always respectful towards both staff and students and is willing to take on feedback and assist others in their learning. Lily is highly collaborative with her peers and endeavours to display high-level thinking. It has been a pleasure having Lily in T18 this year and I look forward to seeing her continue to demonstrate the values and learner qualities. Congratulations Lily."

Mr Clayton


Lily James (TORRENS)
Lily James (TORRENS)


"David is an exceptional member of our LNPS community. He  shows tremendous respect towards peers and staff and without hesitation lends a helping hand, being respectful, kind and hard-working. He thrives off of a challenge and strives for his personal best in all he does. He consistently listens intently during our learning conversations and thinks deeply about the content. David is a highly trusted and responsible student, and is beyond deserving of the Aussie of the Month. Congratulations David, keep aiming high!"

Miss Maddy  

David Missak (FISHER)
David Missak (FISHER)