School News 


Community Movie Night

The Community Engagement Committee is now able to confirm that our Community Movie Night will be held on Friday 3rd May. We will have the details for families in the next newsletter. Please see our Facebook Event for more details. 

Fruit Fly Restrictions

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) has updated its information about fruit fly restrictions in South Australia. 


This might change the types of fruit and vegetables your child can bring to school/preschool/childcare.


New colour-coded maps show the red outbreak areas, yellow suspension areas, and green areas not affected by fruit fly. 


If you live in the red outbreak area:

If it is home grown leave it home. You can continue to pack lunchboxes with fruit and vegetables purchased from retail shops providing it is secured in a lunchbox and the waste is disposed of correctly at school if located in a red or yellow area. 


Grated, dried, frozen, cooked or pureed fruit and vegetables of any kind are acceptable. 


If you live in the yellow suspension area:

Homegrown fruit can be taken to school as long as your school is also within the yellow area. 


You can continue to pack lunchboxes with fruit and vegetables purchased from retail shops providing it is secured in a lunchbox and the waste is disposed of correctly at school if located in a red or yellow area. 


Grated, dried, frozen, cooked or pureed fruit and vegetables of any kind are acceptable. 


If you live in the green not impacted area: 

Your child can bring any type of fresh fruit or vegetable to school, preschool or childcare. 

We appreciate your cooperation as we help protect South Australia from fruit fly.


Easter Program


What do Superman, Wonder Woman, Paw Patrol, surf lifesavers, doctors and nurses, and even Jesus have in common? Come along to this year’s Easter program presented by the local churches to find out! Using a range of engaging methods, including movie clips, interviews with a “TV reporter” and an amazing magic trick, the team will present the worldwide celebration of Easter in a fresh and interesting way.

Uniform Shop

Starting in term 2 the uniform shop will be open on a Wednesday afternoon from 3pm to 4:30pm.

For your convenience, you can order school uniforms on the website and Christine will fill the orders, if you are unable to collect on Wednesday afternoon, the order will be left in the front office.