School News 


Week 8 Update

The end of another brilliant term is getting closer, only 3 weeks left and this includes the break for Easter.  We are very proud of the teaching and learning that has been happening across the school. As previously mentioned we have had a large focus on explicitly teaching our values and learner qualities. This will continue throughout the year. This approach is a foundation for developing empowered successful learners.  


It has also been exciting to see so many families around the school and connect with parents face to face as we have not been in previous years due to COVID. We are certainly returning to a more traditional approach that enables face-to-face connection for all stakeholders.


Learning Conferences

Thank you to all our families who attended Learning Conferences over the past two weeks. Initial feedback from students, families and staff has been very positive. 


Reflecting, setting goals and identifying evidence to indicate growth is an essential process for students to improve. This approach is also identified as one of the 10 High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) that is vital for student success. 


Well-known educational researcher John Hattie, through his extensive meta-analysis of thousands of educational research findings, states that "establishing challenging goals, rather than 'do your best' goals, is a more effective way of setting expectations for students. Difficult yet achievable goals have an energising effect which motivates students to strive to the highest levels". 


We are really looking forward to tracking student goals and seeing their growth over the remainder of Semester 1. 


Harmony Day

Harmony Day is a celebration of cultural diversity, promoting inclusiveness, respect and belonging of all students. The day highlights the importance of community harmony and we will be encouraging students to embrace cultural diversity and respect for others. 


On Thursday the 21st of March we encourage all students to wear orange or an item/s of clothing that represents their culture. 


The Senior students will be selling ice blocks on the day at recess and lunch for $1. 


We are very lucky at LNPS to have such a diverse community and we are looking forward to celebrating and learning about the different cultures that make up our community. 


In sad news, Mirjana was involved in a car accident on the Friday night of the long weekend. She was extremely fortunate to not be majorly injured, however, due to her injuries she was on leave last week and this week. She is recovering well but missing school. Mirjana will also be on leave taking a well-deserved holiday in the last 3 weeks of the term, which was planned before the accident.  Nik and I along with support from a number of teachers will be the leadership team over the last few weeks. 



Tyson, Mirjana and Nik