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Quick and Easy Lunchbox Fillers
Halfway through Term 1 and many families are in the full swing of school, sports, music lessons, earlier nights to combat the earlier mornings etc. And amongst the busyness of life, school lunches keep popping up to be done every single school day.
As I was thinking of this article I saw the latest Coles recipe book which was peppered with lots of quick, easy and healthy lunchbox suggestions. This is super handy when sandwiches become boring. Plus as a parent it is nice to know they are getting some goodness throughout the day. When in Coles next, make sure you grab one.
I am as guilty as the next parent at times about having quick processed snacks on hand, but generally I always like to start the week off well, by doing some baking etc over the weekend, ready for a busy week ahead.
Here are some great quick recipes that my kids love.
Homemade Muesli Bars
This recipe I have played around with for a number of years, I always just use what fruit and nuts I have along with some roasted rolled oats. Throw in some chia seeds for that extra filling protein fix.
Puffed corn or plain popcorn replacing the oats works well and put them into some cupcake pans using the same recipe, adds another fun twist on this one.
Zucchini Brownies
Another treat that never gets old is Zucchini brownies or Zucchini Muffins. Once again throw in some extra Chia seeds! Pre soaking the chia sees helps them not get stuck in your teeth after eating!
If I don't have enough zucchini, a couple of carrots have filled the gap plenty of times.
Best Ever Bliss Balls
For those of you that have the child that hoovers down their food then wants to run and play, these little gems are perfect for a goodness hit and super easy ( though messy when rolling). There are LOTS of different versions of bliss balls to suit everyones taste in the link above.
These are a little nutrient dense snack for those quick recess breaks before they hit the soccer field, climb the monkey bars or play tiggy around the playground.
Now before you start thinking this is all for your little cherubs, don't be dismayed! Us big kids need a good energy snack too, all times of the day!
Jenny Taylor
Community Relations