Pupil of the week 

Term 1 - Week 4


Foundation G- The whole Class- Your displays of resilience this week have been so impressive, Miss Gardiner and the Foundation teachers are so proud of you.


Ollie - for making such strong choices in the classroom and being a wonderful helper in Japanese.


Haddie N- for your great efforts in writing- you heard and recorded so many sounds this week!


Aaruhi C - For the confidence you showed speaking to the class during your Star of the Day presentation. Amazing effort!

Harley S - For always putting in your best effort. You should be so proud of the work you are doing! Keep it up!


Josh G - for the confidence you are showing with your learning. It is so impressive and we love hearing what you have to share. Keep it up!

James D - for the effort you showed during your Star of the Day talk. We are so proud of you. Terrific work! 


Eva G - for her excellent work on writing her recount and taking on feedback.



Archie G - for the persistence you show, when faced with a challenge, no matter what the subject is!

Emiliya H - for the endurance, stamina and work ethic you have demonstrated with your handwriting. Keep it up!


Charlotte R- For an outstanding start to the year. It feels as though you've been a Kalinda kid from the very beginning. We love having you in 2LS!

Ruby C- For showing a great deal of maturity in the classroom this year, and working hard to achieve your best. Keep it up, Ruby!


Emily N - for being an amazing role model in our classroom with your active listening and responsible behaviour. 

Ryder D - for your positive 'ready to learn attitude' you bring to school each day. You are a superstar!


Noah - for demonstrating all of the Kalinda school values in the classroom and during specialist classes. Thank you for being a great role model to others. 

Arley - for bravely seeking help with your work on your Frayer Chart and persuasive text. Well done on being a responsible learner. 


Oscar G- For the wonderful way you supported a classmate during our recent Maths session. You are kind and generous with your time.

Austin S- For your wonderful work ethic. You work hard to stay focused and work methodically to complete tasks quickly and well.


Maddie M - For being a positive member of our class and showing kindness to everyone. 


Adele C - For pursuing your personal best no matter who you work with - Great work!

Zohara S - For demonstrating the Kalinda value of resilience by working hard to achieve your learning goals.


Edward L - for putting so much effort into your writing and producing a beautifully descriptive snapshot piece.

Flynn R - for your thoughtful and insightful contributions to our class discussions and for being an excellent role model as House Captain.


Abi C - For your remarkable kindness and thoughtful nature at school and in the wider community. Your acts of community service are truly inspirational!


Eli F - For showing his class what resilience looks like and for a hugely creative writing snapshot involving a Feline God.


Jack D - For being a positive member of our class and a friend to all. Well done for stepping out of your comfort zone and putting your hand up for new opportunities!


Helaina.W- For the beautiful figurative language that you used in your snapshot writing.

Charlie.D- For being such a kind and caring friend.