Wellbeing Support Officer

“How are you today?”
Well, how are you?
It’s a question we get asked a lot, but sometimes it can be hard to answer. Sometimes we tell others we’re “ good” without really stopping to think about it! All of our feelings are there for a reason – even the ones that don’t feel good at the time.
A great way to start working out what kinds of things make us happy, sad, angry or scared is to start thinking more specifically about the words we use to describe how we feel. If you’ve had a hard day, having a look at the “feelings wheel” below might help you narrow down exactly what you’re feeling, which will give you a clue as to what the feeling’s trying to tell you!
Naming hard feelings won’t make them go away, but it’s an important step in working out what we might need to move toward feeling a bit better. And being more specific about the emotions that feel good can help us work out how to get more of them!
Check out the feelings wheel below, or outside Mel’s office near the foyer. Got a good word to describe a feeling that’s not already there – come and write it down for me! I’d love to grow my collection!
Mel Jeffery – Wellbeing Support Officer