RE & Parish News

What's happening in Religious Education and our Parish life...

Reconciliation at School and Home

The Reconciliation Program continues with the Parent/Child Workshops taking place last week. Parents will now move forward with time for intentional prayer set aside and discussion at the dinner table. As Elton John sings, "Sorry seems to be the hardest word", so it needs practice and modeling.


Classrooms are abuzz with topics of Reconciliation, Forgiveness, Prayer, Lent and Catholic Social Teaching in the RE curriculum, so all of our students are learning this at the moment at school.


Ephesus Mass (year 3)

'Ask and you shall receive'

We were very lucky to have Father Jithen, the new assistant priest at St Thomas the Apostle Parish, celebrate our first community Mass. Welcome Father Jithen!

It's important to know that when we say, "ask and you shall receive", that we are talking about our needs and not necessarily our wants. God knows what we need. Our prayers should be our way of acknowledging what it is that we need, in order to move closer to our true selves. If we ask God for help in these matters, we are letting God's work happen in our lives.

It was beautiful to see the students respond to Father Jithen's questions around how God can help in their lives. 

Project Compassion

Learn more about Project Compassion here.


Project Compassion has begun and will run through the season of Lent, ending March 31st.  We have raised $60 so far, which is a little more than last newsletter issue. Don’t wait till the end of the term as we’d like to see the progress bar move steadily throughout Lent!


Casual Compassion Day is on March 14th. Students can bring a gold coin and wear casual clothes on this day. This will help families prepare their school uniform for the following day, which is photo day!


As mentioned in the previous issue, this year, we are asking for families and friends to mainly donate via the online platform, rather than the coin boxes. This will save a lot of administrative work and money handling. The casual clothes day is an exception in this case.


If you can donate, or maybe your friends and family can donate, please use the QR code or the link to take you straight to the online platform for our school.