Child Safe & Wellbeing

Every child is known, safe and respected

To begin the 2024 school year, we have developed and are committed to the mantra:

‘Strong Relationships, High Expectations’.


We have introduced three new routines to ensure all members of our school community feel safe, known, connected and engaged in learning.


1. Morning Routine

2. Moving around the school

3. Gaining whole class/group attention


We are directing our students to a certain area for lining up in roll order at the beginning of the day and after each break. The students are also required to line up in roll order before leaving their learning space before breaks to complete a check in on them for hats, break time choices and how they are feeling.


Students are expected to move around the school in a safe and respectful way. This looks like minimal talking, single file and roll order. If attention is required either outside or in class, the teachers raises their arm above their head as a non-verbal cue for students to copy. Once voices are silent and eyes are looking forward, staff can provide the information required.


Our student voice group has been reflecting on our routines and they have indicated some very positive responses:


We can really focus on the teacher now. When Mr van Dam puts up his hands for attention, everyone stops and listens. It helps us improve our work. (Christian Year 6)


The environment is much quieter this year. It feels calmer and better. (Emily Year 6)


The learning is more interesting because teachers have time to focus on the learning and teaching and not on the behaviour. (Richard Year 6)


I feel very safe.

Some people say we are in the wrong spot but we are in the right spot. We have to line up in roll order. (Kieran Year 1)


I’m lucky at school. Yes, I feel safe.

I like lining up. I know my spot. I know who is in front of me and who is behind me.(Mannat Year 1)


The rules are getting more serious. Maths is getting a bit hard. I love school. I can’texplain it. It’s just great. (Toby Year 1).


These routines are new ways of behaving to align with our school wide expectations. Embedding these new behaviours as our new habits, will take time and based off research

by experts in the field, it can take 66 days on average to form a new habit. That takes us to Week 5 of next term.


We will continue to work with our school community to create a safe and calm environment where everyone feels connected and entrenched in this new St Thomas Way.


Kindest regards,

Jen Gulavin

Deputy Principal: Inclusive Education