Grant Rounsley

Valkstone Primary School Students and Families: Let's Protect Our School Environment!


Hey there, wonderful students and families! Valkstone has something super important to remind you about: our school environment. You know, that beautiful place we learn, play, and make tons of memories? Well, it needs our help to stay awesome!


But here's the scoop: Part of our playground has been closed because some students accidentally messed up the environment. You see, when we dig up paths, pick fruit from trees, or break branches, it can cause problems. It makes our school look a bit messy and can even hurt the plants and animals that live here. 


But don't worry, there's an easy fix!


Let's all work together to look out for our school environment. That means we promise not to dig up paths, pick fruit we see, or break branches. Instead, we'll admire the nature around us and enjoy it without causing any harm.


So, families, let's talk with our little ones about the importance of taking care of our school. Together, we can make sure it stays a magical place for all of us to learn and play.


 Let's be the heroes our school environment needs!