
Book Launch - Jason Summers
Jason Summers' latest book Light Overcoming Darkness will be launched shortly!
The Tasmanian book launch will be:
Friday the 15th of March 2024
Riverbank Christian Church
7:00pm with a light supper to follow
RSVP via Facebook or a DM by March 8th
Books will be available to purchase for $20
Light Overcoming Darkness is a story of healing and hope that recounts one couple’s journey from brokenness to restoration. It narrates the terrible emotional abuse that Margaret Summers suffered throughout her childhood and the medical malpractice that she, with her husband Derrick, suffered under Dr Harry Bailey. In the darkness of abuse comes a light that shines bright, a light that leads to forgiveness and healing. A healing so profound that an utterly broken and abused young woman makes the journey, with her husband, from the bondage of victimhood to the liberation that comes through the forgiveness and love that is found in the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
“So many familiar people and places, Prince Henry, Crown Street, Chelmsford, Campie, Matron Shaw, the persistently faithful Derrick and Margaret Summers. I couldn’t put this little hope filled book down! How refreshing that at a time of increasing awareness of mental illness a story of God’s powerful undeserved favour like this one exists. Hid bless the Summers family, what a blessing they are to all who have the privilege of knowing them.” David Cook - Former Principal of Sydney Missionary and Bible College