Digital Technology News

Last week students in Grade 3-6 participated in the Inform & Empower Digital Safety & Wellbeing session through a live webinar (with their teacher).
These sessions will occur once every term. The focus of the session was on digital footprint. The incursion content is all written and delivered by qualified teachers who are endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.
During the incursion the following topics were discussed:
- Our choices online leave a digital footprint. This includes actions such as leaving comments, likes, who we follow and what we post.
- It is our responsibility to ensure we keep our online accounts safe.
- We can be safe by having strong passwords and only sharing passwords with a trusted adult (parent/carer, teacher etc)
- It is important to sign out or lock your screen when you’re finished
If you would like to continue the conversation with your child the prompts below will help you have a discussion with your child around their digital footprint.
- Have you ever thought about your digital footprint? (Google your names and usernames and see what comes up)
- Do you have any accounts with passwords that you’ve shared with others? Change them together
- What could you do if you needed help online? (Have a look at the Kids Helpline website together).
For any questions regarding Cyber Safety please feel free to email Lucas at
Lucas Mangani
Digital Technology Leader