Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 3 | ||
PA | Jordan | Well done for being a collaborative learner who demonstrates kindness by always making sure people are included and cared for. You are an awesome role model for our Prep A community! Well done for a great start to the year! |
PN | Diya | For being a resilient learner who has quickly and consistently followed new prep routines and the St Martin's Ways of Working to effectively transition into the Prep Learning Community. Great effort Diya. |
1/2C | Emma | For being a collaborative learner in all subject areas last week. Emma has been looking out for her friends and ensuring she helps all those in need, always with a great big welcoming smile on her face. Everyone loves when you're their buddy Emma, Well done. |
1/2S | Missi | For being a kind and collaborative learner who always has a big, beautiful smile on her face. Something that stood out this week was when you put your arm around a student in our class who was unsure of where to go and guided them in the right direction. Your patience and caring nature helps make our classroom a safe and happy place to learn. Thank you, Missi! |
1/2A | Ethan | For being a motivated learner in the classroom this last week. You worked really hard to focus during independent work tasks and collaborate in a small group to have fun while learning. You are setting a great example in the classroom. Well done Ethan, keep it up. |
3/4L | Aarush | For being a sensational leader and collaborator who took the time to support his tech buddies in navigating laptop tasks by being calm and supportive. You are a great example of a leader, well done on driving your learning by helping others! |
3/4O | Olivia | For being a collaborative learner who has been very kind and patient with her “tech buddies” as they learn to use their laptops. Olivia is becoming a natural leader in our classroom and a positive role model for her classmates. Keep it up, Olivia! |
3/4S | Brandon | For being a motivated learner who has started the year with great effort and a positive attitude. Brandon has shown great focus to begin the school year. Well Done Brandon |
5/6N | Ulia | For being a resilient learner. Your perseverance and growth mindset while using a new planning strategy during writing was evident from the words you wrote. I am looking forward to reading your writing this week.. Keep investing in your learning, Ulia. |
5/6K | Nikolaos | For being a motivated and collaborative learner this week. You have consistently demonstrated a positive attitude to your learning and have been encouraging your classmates to do the same. Your motivation is evident in your work where you have been seeking and applying feedback to take your learning to the next level, and in the way you have been trying new strategies to support your time management. Keep up the impressive commitment to your learning Niko! |
5/6S | Yuvraj | For being a collaborative learner. You are able to listen and contribute to discussions. You have demonstrated that you try your best, that you are a team player and that you are respectful and patient. This was evident in the way you participated in some Maths and PE activities over the past week. Great effort Yuvraj! |
Nick (PE) | Ashton 5/6K | For being a motivated learner, Ashton you showed great leadership and drive during our PE lesson this week. You were fantastic in participating in our T-Ball lesson. Keep it up. |
Week 4 | ||
PA | Isabelle | for being a resilient learner who has settled into routine at SMDP with a smile this week! Isabelle has been making new friendships and bouncing back from challenges. You should be very proud of yourself, well done Isabelle! |
PN | Edrin | For being a collaborative learner who demonstrates kindness and a willingness to share his understanding of maths concepts. Edrin is becoming a natural leader in our classroom and a positive role model of kindness and team work. Well done, Edrin. |
1/2C | Celine | For being a creative learner in Mathematics last week. Celine used different strategies to represent her data making her collections easy to count and interpret. Celine took the initiative to find the most efficient method and was able to teach this to the rest of the students. What a fabulous mathematician you are Celine. |
1/2S | River | For being a motivated and enthusiastic learner. This week River listened, asked questions and shared his ideas during carpet time. He has worked hard to maintain his focus and complete learning tasks to the best of his ability. What a great start to Year Two, well done, River! |
1/2A | Ashi | For being a motivated learner who has been driving her learning, particularly in writing, and demonstrating how hard work and motivation will lead to success. Keep it up Ashi! |
3/4L | Ivy | For being a fantastic leader and collaborator in our learning community. Ivy always seeks to help others once she has completed a task and takes great pride in helping others accomplish success. Thank you for being a calm presence in our classroom and inspiring others around you to do the same! |
3/4O | Aoife | For being a reflective learner who took feedback on board to improve her persuasive letter. Aoife edited her writing to include persuasive techniques and successfully used rhetorical questions, emotive language and repetition to convince the reader. Keep investing in your learning, Aoife! |
3/4S | Samaira | For being a motivated learner who is engaged and focused on her learning tasks. Samaira responded to feedback to improve her writing to produce a very persuasive piece. Well Done, Samaira. |
5/6N | Natalie | For being a motivated learner, who has set herself up for success this Term. You have been engaged and committed to all learning tasks and always willing to help a peer. Thanks for setting a great example to others in our class. Keep up the positive attitude and motivation, Natalie. |
5/6K | Akshay | For being a reflective learner, when responding to the reflection questions about our class text ‘Wonder’. Where you used your own understanding and the class discussion to extend your thinking. You repeatedly show that you are an engaged learner in our classroom and have set a great example for what driving your learning looks like for your peers! Keep it up Akshay! |
5/6S | Akshara | For being a motivated learner, who drives herself to succeed. You are engaged and focused, and committed to doing your best and a little bit more. This is reflected in your attitude towards your learning, and in your role as one of our School Captains. Well done Akshara! |
Nick (PE) | Nikolaos (5/6K)
Freya (5/6K) | For being a collaborative learner, you showed excellent team leading and organisation skills by helping set up and pack up the T-Ball equipment. You also showed your knowledge of the sport by helping lead the team. Keep up the great work!
For being a motivated learner, who really stood out at our district swimming carnival! You swam in every event and you were extremely positive throughout. Congratulations on winning all your events. |