Assistant Principal's  Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

Welcome to our third newsletter of Term One. We are over halfway through the term and looking forward to what the rest of this term will bring. The Preps have totally settled into school life as have the other students across the school. It is a joy to walk through classrooms and see friendships evolving and new learning being acquired. Teachers are planning really engaging lessons and students are keen, interested and involved. Grade Six students look very nice in their new bomber jackets. We are sure you will enjoy the responsibility that comes with being DPS Grade Sixes!   


School Uniform 

All children must attend school in full school uniform each day. Our school uniform is available at PSW, 12 Strathalbyn St, KEW EAST. Our school uniform is an important part of the identity and culture of our school. This includes school bags and our school hat. Please make sure all uniform is clearly labelled and your child can identify their belongings easily. If your child has lost an item of clothing, please check the lost property area near the Sick Bay or come to the Office. 


Parking Around the School 

Can we please remind all parents and carers of the parking and road restrictions around the school. Our priority is to keep our students safe at the busy times of drop off and pick up. We also ask you to respect our neighbours driveways and not to park in them or across them. Parking too close to the pedestrian road crossings is also against road rules. Unfortunately, we continue to witness;

-double parking 

-parking on the wrong side of the road 

-asking children to enter or leave a vehicle when they are not in a designated parking space 

-crossing the road near the crossing, but not using the designated crossing 

-using a car horn in an unnecessary or unsafe manner 

All of these practices are not safe for our students and the wider community. We encourage all members of our community to be positive role models for our students with regards to road safety. 

Thank you for your immediate attention to this important matter.


Respectful Relationships

In 2024, we continue our whole school approach of Respectful Relationships. In Respectful Relationships there are 8 topics that we focus on across the year. They are: 

  1. Emotional Literacy 
  2. Personal Strengths 
  3. Positive Coping 
  4. Problem Solving 
  5. Stress Management 
  6. Help Seeking 
  7. Gender and Identity  
  8. Positive Gender Relations 

We can really see the impact this program has on our students and the culture at our school as we learn how to appreciate and understand diversity across our school. We have very accepting and inclusive students.  


SWPBS Update 

Congratulations to all of our SWPBS winners for Weeks Three and Four. All of the students listed below have earned themselves and our school a star in the jar.


Be Respectful – Yaseen 3J, Gabriella 5F, Danial 4G, Mani 4G, Renee 4G, Ava 4G, Alina 4G, Aleeza 4G, Aryana 6J, Raaif 4WB and Athena 6J. Be Safe – Andrew 3G.Be Your Best – Cooper 3B, Nima 1L, Parsa 1L, Sophie 5F, Hope 4G, Giti 4G, Maddison 4K, Naherica 5F, John 4G, Ava 4G, Evelyn 5C, Anna 5C, Teleah 4S, Ivanna 4G, Mietta 4S, Sadra 4WB, Nick 4WB, Lucas 4G, Casey 4G, Liyanna 4G, Anna O 4WB and Robert 4S.  Congratulations to all of these students, you are  wonderful. We are so proud of you!



Kids Help - phone 1800 55 1800 

Parent Line - phone 13 22 89 

Headspace - phone 1800 650 890 

eSafety Commissioner - - Advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online 


Have a great week ahead DPS families,

Carly Epskamp