Doncaster Primary School

Parent Fundraising Group PFG 2024

Doncaster Primary School

Parent Fundraising Group PFG 2024


Our purpose:

The Parent Fundraising Group raises funds to benefit the school. The PFG also provides support, in various forms, for the school, its students and community. The PFG works in co-operation with the principal, staff and school council in building effective partnerships between home and school.


Our informal group meets approximately once a month for a short discussion about upcoming fundraising and social events.

We welcome all new parents/carers of students.  Feel free to join as often as you are able and stay for as long as you can.

An agenda for each meeting will be emailed in the week prior and minutes from the meeting will be emailed the following week.


Our calendar consists of the following major fundraising events:


Mother’s Day Stall – Co-ordinated by Fia and as a group we purchase appropriate products for children to buy at the stall, setting up and working on the stall on a nominated day, usually the week before Mother’s Day. You may like to volunteer for part or all of this event.


Father’s Day Stall – as above

2nd Hand Uniform Sale (approx. three times per year) – collating donated uniform items from school families, setting up and working on the stall.

Other events include Billy Bonka’s Ice Cream Day, Subway Lunch Day and working alongside the JSC to coordinate an end of year Christmas Raffle. 


We welcome any new ideas. 


If you have a little spare time to share with us, and you are interested in any or all of the following areas of PFG, please fill in your details below. A thorough handover for all roles and of course support throughout the year will be offered from the PFG Team.  We work as a team after all. 


Most of the PFG team have been volunteering since their eldest children started school and enjoy being part of such a great team. Our children appreciate us being active within the school and we have created close relationships with other parents within the school community, teachers, and our school principals. 


We hope to see you in the New Year and look forward to working with you.

PFG meetings are announced on Compass.

Feel free to contact us with any questions


Please fill ou an Expression of interest and email to