Student of the Week Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a Student of the Week Award





Liam Jfor always being such a great role model to your peers. You are always listening and trying your very best!


Ruby Kfor always striving to do your very best in all activities and for completing ‘5 star’ book work in every single lesson.


Louis for being such a helpful member of Prep P. Well done helping your peers, Louis!


Elliana Ffor being such a well mannered student. It is lovely having you in Prep P Elli!


Zaynafor showing kindness to all her peers and teachers. I'm so proud of you Zayna!


Navshikfor showing positivity and perserverence during class time. Keep it up Navshik!


Sebastian Dfor being a positive and enthusiastic member of the class and for working well with others. Well done Sebastian. Keep aiming high!


Liana Sfor applying herself to all set tasks and working hard to achieve her best. Well done Liana. Keep up the great work!


Sophie Lfor giving some great ideas in reading group!


Nikrad Mfor trying your best in each class and giving it a go!


Ethan Zfor being such a good friend to everyone in the class and always trying his best!


Octavia Cfor always helping others and trying her best in all her work!


Joseph Ffor some clever thinking during our Maths measurement unit of work. Well done, Joseph!


Evelyn Dfor always taking pride in her work. Keep up the good work, Evelyn!


Sarah A for showing a positive attitude towards your learning.  Well done Sarah keep up the great work.


Grayson Dfor enthusiastically participating in group discussions.  Your input is always appreciated.


Jundi Wfor having such a positive attitude to all aspects of school life and greeting each day with a smile on his face. 


Ivy Lfor taking on board learning about narrative writing and applying it in her very entertaining story 'Found'. Amazing work using paragraphs in this writing piece, Ivy.


Radin Sfor consistently being a role model to others in your adherence to the class expectations and for always showing respect to those around you.


Faham Ffor always following the class expectations, being respectful to others and working so hard to improve your handwriting. Well done Faham!


Vera Ifor doing your best to be a helpful and supportive friend. 3J are so lucky to have you!


Reon Ufor taking pride in the presentation of your work and being a fantastic role model.


Sharleez Cfor consistently demonstrating our school values of determination, pride and success.


Cooper Cfor always following the teacher’s instructions and helping others around him.


Jason Dfor always staying on task and respectfully  raising his hand to share his thoughts with the class. Keep up the great work Jason!


Kaya Efor staying determined consistently in term one by regularly giving each task her best. Kaya is always making sure to ask questions when a task needs clarification. Keep it up Kaya!


Roham Nfor always following instructions and completing all work to the highest standard.


Anja Dfor always displaying our school values and completing 5 star work.  


Olivia Xfor the love of learning Olivia embodies in all areas of her schooling and the way in which she continuously aims high. Well done Olivia!


Sebastian Afor the wonderful enthusiasm he displays during class discussions and the way in which he always completes tasks to the best of his ability. Keep up the fantastic work Sebastian!


Annabelle Yfor your dedication to every piece of work that you complete. You're not afraid to dive into the learning pit and come out with new knowledge!


Jerry Tfor your great dedication to reading the time from analogue clocks. Fantastic work on persisting and answering every question.


Ronica Sfor settling in well at Doncaster Primary School and in 5C.


Anna Cfor writing an exceptional narrative piece for Authors Notebook. Well done Anna! Keep it up!


Luka Mfor always doing your best in class and being a helpful member of 5E. Congratulations on receiving your first star in the jar for ‘Be our best’. Keep up the great work! 


Terry Lfor always supporting your teacher and classmates. Thankyou for being a reliable member of the class and helping your peers when they are in need. Great work!! 


Chris Mfor the effort Chris is putting in all his work at school. Keep being your happy self!


Albe Lfor the effort Albe is applying in completing his work. Albe is a pleasure to have in our class.


Noor Afor trying her best in every subject and always being willing to help others.


Kun Liufor his positive attitude and persistence while working to improve his English language skills.


Mohamad Afor being a responsible and reliable computer monitor. Your initiative has been impressive!


Henry Yfor being a responsible and reliable computer monitor. Your initiative has been impressive!


Spencer Lfor your excellent effort responding to Behind the News and excellent contributions.  Keep up the fantastic work.


Satia Rfor a  consistently high standard of work and effort in Readers Workshop, Novel Study and Mathematics.  Keep up the excellent standard of work and fantastic attitude.

Congratulations to the following students who have received a Student of the Week award in a Specialist class





Joly A 3Gfor your focus while creating your artwork. Keep up the great work!


Isabella L 3Gfor always doing your best and looking for ways to improve further. Excellent work!


Annabelle Y 4WBfor your amazing attention to detail while creating your Reef. Well done!


Kairav G 3Jfor your well considered reflection while discussing your peers art work. Keep up the good work!


Naman N 4Kfor your thoughtful Art appreciation comments. Excellent work!


Aaron F PWfor your wonderful listening skills and creative picture using cool colours. Well done!

Cultural Studies

Benita P 6Cfor being a delightful student to teach. You are always friendly, helpful and enthusiastic! Well done Benita!

Cultural Studies

Chloe D 5Efor enthusiastically joining in with all Cultural Studies discussions and activities. Well done Chloe!

Cultural Studies

Oscar L 4Sfor completing your Cultural Iceberg task during Cultural Studies with incredible detail and focus. Excellent effort Oscar!

Cultural Studies

Shermaine M 3Jfor always listening carefully and sharing your own ideas during discussions in Cultural Studies. The care and pride you put in is evident in your finished work. Great job Shermaine!  

Cultural Studies

Marcus J 2Mfor starting the year with excellent concentration, great ideas during group discussions and fantastic effort in your work. Well done Marcus! 

Cultural Studies

Mya N 1Lfor completing a wonderful picture of all the things you learnt about Japan during Cultural Studies, Excellent effort, Mya!


Mina K 1Lfor showing respect to the teacher and helping other students in need. I am so proud of you, Mina! 


Simra G 2Ffor trying her best to practise the CNY blessing phrases in Chinese and completing the set tasks to a high standard. Well done, Simra!


Cooper J 3Bfor making a good start when learning Chinese this term. He actively seeks clarifications from the teacher and tries his best in all set tasks. Keep up the fantastic effort, Cooper!


Yaseen M 3Jfor listening attentively in class and showing respect to the teacher. He was able to recall most of the CNY focused vocabularies in Chinese. I am so proud of you, Yaseen!


John K 4Gfor showing a great interest when learning about the CNY customs, and putting his best effort into all set tasks. Well done, John! 


Kiki S 5Cfor demonstrating a positive attitude towards learning Chinese and showing her creativity when completing a CNY craft in class. Keep it up, Kiki!


Ezekiel S 6Mfor his impressive swimming at the District Swimming Carnival. Zeke, swam strongly in both the backstroke and relay events. Well done Zeke!


Elie R 4Kfor his excellent passing and dribbling skills during our hockey clinic. Well done Elie!


Addison W 5Cfor always giving her best effort in every P.E. class. Addison focus in all sessions is to be admired. Brilliant effort Addison!


Caleb Y 6Sfor his wonderful enthusiasm in Physical Education. Caleb always has a smile on his face and always gives 100% for every class regardless of the activities being performed. Keep it up Caleb!


Max F 3Pfor his positive attitude toward all P.E. activities. Max has demonstrated excellent skills in P.E. this year, reflecting his outstanding listening skills during teacher instruction. Brilliant effort Max!

Performing Arts

Ayla G 2Sfor her fantastic character voices in our class. I loved hearing how you were able to change your voice so many times!

Performing Arts

Yaseen M 3Jfor your great confidence in our improvisation game. I loved that you had a go and came out the front to perform! 

Performing Arts

Olivia X 4Sfor your wonderful portrayal of Miss Trunchbull in our script writing lesson! You did a fantastic job! 

Performing Arts

Nyra PWfor her wonderful dance moves in our lesson this week!  

Performing Arts

Quincy J 4WBfor a fantastic job at writing your script! It was wonderful to see you perform! 

Performing Arts

Araz G 5Cfor a brilliant job at acting the role of the Big Bad Wolf. You had the audience laughing out loud! Well done!