What's Happening in Grade 4

The Grade 4 students have settled into the new school year extremely well and have enjoyed reconnecting with peers within their classrooms. We warmly welcome two new students to our school, and wish them both a happy and fulfilling journey at Mackellar Primary School.


We have been working on reinforcing our school values in order to establish routines and expectations and have been implementing the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support lessons based on the different values and  settings of our school matrix. At the beginning of the year, students were involved in selecting and voting on 10 rewards for our Buzz Award wheel. Students with 10 Buzz Awards have enjoyed spinning the wheel and receiving their reward.


In Reading and Writing this term, students are learning about Response texts and are focusing on the structure and language features of this particular text type. The students have enjoyed responding to visual, written or performed work and are learning to express preferences and opinions using positive and negative judgement words. They have worked on developing paragraphs within their writing and using the describing perspectives to add further detail and description to their ideas. 


In Numeracy, students are focusing on understanding place value of numbers up to 5 digits. They have been practising skills such as modelling numbers using concrete materials, writing numbers in words, ordering, renaming and placing numbers on a number line. They have also looked at various number patterns from a zero and non-zero starting point. 


Students are investigating temperature and using various weather apps to locate daily minimum and maximum temperatures and record this data on a line graph. Students are also learning about time. They are practising reading and recording analogue and digital time in 5 minute intervals. They have enjoyed playing various games such as Time Bingo to consolidate their learning of time. 


Last week, the Grade 4s were involved in Junior School Council presentations to determine who will be part of the Student Leadership Team for 2024. We congratulate Oreva and Levi for becoming our Grade 4 representatives for 2024. We know they will both be positive role models in our school community and endeavour to represent student voice for all students as well as promote whole school initiatives, events and celebrations.


Kind regards,

Mrs Andreou, 

Mrs Magliozzi 

Ms Wishart