What's Happening in Grade 2

What a great start to the year it has been as we welcome our Grade 2 students and two new teachers to our team! Welcome to Miss Hanna Mercado and Miss Jessica Mercieca.


The Grade 2 students have settled well into their new school year and have enjoyed working with their friends across both classrooms. 


A major focus for our learning has been our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support lessons using our school matrix. We have been working on establishing classroom expectations and routines based on our four school values of Learning, Respect, Resilience and Teamwork and have also incorporated using these values across other settings within the school. E-Safety has also been a focus, ensuring students use digital technologies safely and respectfully. 


In English, procedural texts have been our focus for both reading and writing. Students have been learning about the purpose, structure and language features of procedures. They have been identifying imperative verbs and applying them in their writing. Students have also been provided with a range of experiences to practise procedures such as blowing bubbles, making popcorn and recording their own instructions for a game called ‘On the Spot’. Students have demonstrated progress in their learning and will continue to apply their knowledge with greater independence.


In Mathematics, students have been learning about Place Value of two and three digit numbers. They have used a range of concrete materials to support their learning as they participate in tasks, games and activities to explore how numbers can be represented and that numbers hold a place and value. They have been ordering numbers and practising their skip counting skills from various starting points.


Students have also been learning about Data Representation and Interpretation. As a class, we created a birthday graph to begin our unit and wrote comparative statements about which months had the most or least number of birthdays. Students have learnt about asking the ‘right’ type of questions to collect data. They used tally marks and recorded their results in a graph. Students concluded the unit by collecting, classifying and presenting data to assist in organising a birthday party.


We’re all looking forward to the whole school events that are coming up soon, such as the Kaboom incursion and Harmony Day activities, so be prepared for some more fun in our learning! 


Anna Kourkoulis 

Jessica Mercieca  

Hanna Mercado

Grade 2 Teachers