The Arts News

Mrs Karen Gordon - Director of Co-curricular Music / Coordinator of Strings

Mr Adrian Walker - Creative Director 

Tips on Remembering Music Lessons

For students taking music lessons, keeping track of lesson times and attending lessons on time is crucial for their success. However, with the busy class time schedules, it can be challenging for students to keep track of time and remember to attend lessons. 


Wearing a watch can be a simple solution to this problem. Many watches come with alarms and timers that students can set to go off at specific times. By setting an alarm to remind them of their music lesson, students can avoid the risk of forgetting or being caught up in other activities. This ensures that they attend their lessons regularly and make the most of their allocated lesson time. 


Using a watch can also help students develop a sense of responsibility and discipline, and to take ownership of their time. 


A few of our student are using a WobL watch and their lesson attendance and improvement is outstanding! Check it out online: 


Staff Performances

If you enjoy listening to sumptuous harmonies of choral works within the acoustics of a grand cathedral, please come along to St John's Cathedral on Sunday 25 February at 3pm. You will hear the Faure Requiem among other works, performed by the Brisbane Chamber Chior and the Girl Choristers of St John's Cathedral, accompanied by the Brisbane Chamber Players. Mr Chistian Gante (resident rehearsal pianist) will be singing in the choir and Mrs Karen Gordon will be playing in the orchestra. 



Purchase your Musical tickets on the door!