College Notices

Carparking Reminder

Now that we are halfway through the term, now is a good time to remind our friends and family of being considerate of our neighbours when parking/picking up/dropping off. Please be mindful of loading zones, no stopping areas, driveways and residential parking.


 Parent Summit

In the interests of every parent and caregiver wanting a Calm and Connected Tween and Teen, the link below invites you to participate in an online summit. Well respected professionals will be presenting on such issues as "Navigating Tween Friendships", "School Anxiety and School Avoidance", "Helping Teens be Responsible and Accountable" to name a few. By accessing the link, you can find out the range of topics on offer. The summit runs from 22-24 February and free tickets are available below. 


Uniform Shop

Friendly Reminder


If you need your blazer dry cleaned or your pockets updated before winter you will need to have your blazer into the Uniform Shop by 2:00pm Tuesday 12 March.


If you require both dry-cleaning and pockets you will need to have your blazer to the Uniform Shop by Tuesday 5 March.


This is to ensure your blazer is returned before the end of Term 1 and in time for the ANZAC Day ceremonies. It is a very busy time of year for the embroidery company. Best to get in early and beat the rush. 


If you have any further enquiries, please phone or email me on the contacts below:


Phone: 3262 0251



Opening Hours:

Tuesday 8:00am - 2:00pm

Wednesday 12:00pm - 4:00pm

Thursday 8:00am - 2:00pm

Residential Address Collection

Please refer to the Collection Notice below for parents/guardians issued by the Australian Government Department of Education. 



Message from the Enrolments Team

Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations Friendly Reminder 


Parents/caregivers are reminded to review our Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations on a regular basis. 



We would like to provide families with a friendly reminder that a full term’s written notice, addressed to the Principal, is required when withdrawing a student from the College to avoid fees being charged in lieu of notice. Where a student is leaving at the end of the school year, notice must be received by the first day of Term 4. 


Notice is to be provided via email to; and