Mental Health and Wellbeing


Another one of our new school values is Respect. Respect means that we accept each other for who we are, our differences as well as our similarities, even if we do not agree with each other

Treating others and being treated with respect builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing in our relationships. Respect is something we can practice and learn.

Talk up respect- The more you talk about and model respectful behaviours, the more your children are likely to adopt those attitudes. Don't be afraid to challenge poor behaviour or disrespectful attitudes. Tell your children how you feel when you see disrespectful behaviour and explain how it affects other people.


In the classroom, we have been acknowledging students who demonstrate respect in all areas of the school including: learning spaces, outdoor spaces, toilets, assembly and online through the Matrix of Expected Behaviours. 

Respect can look like:

  • Listening and following adult instruction.
  • Respectfully communicating how we feel with others. 
  • Using culturally appropriate language. 

"Treat others the way you would like to be treated."