Year 6 Update

Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkin
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil
Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkin
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil

Upcoming learning:

During the next fortnight, Year 6 students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Reading:  Literacy circle roles, with a focus on the role of the Summariser and Illustrator


Writing: The structure of biographies and the conventions of writing. 


Maths: Understanding addition.


Inquiry: How to manage relationships and work effectively within a team.


S.E.L: Empathy and Sympathy


Term Homework: Student have been given their term homework which is all about Identity, students should be completing one task a week and submitting this via Teams

Reading Homework: Students are expected to read every night and log this in their diary with a signature from a parent/carer. These are to be handed into the teacher weekly.

News and Reminders:

Family fun night: Tuesday 19th March 3.30-5.15pm. We would love to see families come with their children, have a go at beating teachers with Jenga and many more games. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins are all very welcome to join us on the synthetic oval and even bring along a picnic. Please remember that this is a parent supervised event.


Hats: Please remember hats are required throughout terms 1 (until April) and 4. Students without hats will be asked to sit/play under the shade sail on the courtyard steps.


Drink bottles: Please remember to bring a drink bottle to school every day, but more importantly throughout the summer terms. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room.


Celebration of Learning:

Year 6 Kindness Award

Will was nominated for showing kindness to his peers and teachers, always going out of his way to help others. Well done Will!
Will was nominated for showing kindness to his peers and teachers, always going out of his way to help others. Well done Will!

Star Student of the week 

Cross Country

House Activities
