Year 5 Update

5A-Ms Hughes
5B Ms Stillitano
5C-Ms webster
5D-Ms Borham
5E-Ms Ziino
5A-Ms Hughes
5B Ms Stillitano
5C-Ms webster
5D-Ms Borham
5E-Ms Ziino

Upcoming Learning for week 6 & 7

  • Reading - To identify the Main Idea in a range of print and visual texts.
  • Writing- To plan, draft and publish a persuasive and narrative text that follows the correct structure. 
  • Maths- To use division and subtraction strategies to solve problems.
  • Health- To investigate strategies which promote teamwork and reduce conflict.  
  • Social and Emotional Learning-To practise strategies that support us when we feel stressed.  

Hillsmeade Heroes

Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:


5A- Yamah & Iqbal

5B- Millie & Nargis

5C- Charlotte & Jacob

5D- Kenrick & Kini

5E- Nathaniel & Taylah

Multiplication Masters

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved Diplomas for their multiplication facts:


Isaac - 5A

Aiden - 5A (achieved last week)


100 second challenge 

Ibrahim (5A)  100/102 

Kiara (5A) 94/96 

District Swimming

Congratulations to Lucy, Jarrar and Nathaniel from Year 5 who represented 

HPS at District Swimming. Blue suits you all!




We are fast approaching NAPLAN season (week 7). We encourage families to speak with their child about the upcoming tests, ease any anxious feelings and share any concerns with their classroom teacher. 


During NAPLAN, students must use'plug in' headphones. No Bluetooth / wireless headphones will be permitted. Students must also have the lock down browser installed on their device as per information sent home previously.



Well done to those students who are participating in the BYOD program. Classrooms are no longer resourced with devices outside those assigned to specific students. As a result, student learning is impacted if devices are not at school each day and charged. Please also ensure parental locks and permissions are all set accordingly to allow the device to be used appropriately at school. 



A focus of Year 5 is developing speed and fluency with multiplication facts. Students are encouraged to learn their multiplication and division facts to support them with other areas of Mathematics as the year progresses. 

Reading each night is an ongoing expectation. Reading can be tracked in students' diaries or through Epic. 

Happy Snaps...

Clean Up Australia Day, Prep Buddies and teamwork building.