Calrossy Sport

Junior School Swimming Carnival
Thank you to all of the students, teaching staff, Yr 10 helpers, Yr 9 and 12 House Captains, catering and support staff for helping make the Junior School Swimming Carnival an outstanding success.
Calrossy Junior School House points results are as follows
- Cuthbert 302
- Hamlin 279
- Nichols 276
- Sheean 157
HRIS notes will be sent to all students who have qualified to go to this next level today. The Junior School Individual Age Champions will be announced at assembly later this week.
There is a full photo gallery now available on The HUB. Hi res images can be downloaded from these photo galleries.
Secondary Swimming Carnivals
Please see below important information regarding the Secondary Swimming Carnivals which will be held tomorrow, Tuesday February 20.
- Day students will make their own way to their respective swimming carnivals.
- Out of area students will be transported from WCC and BSC to the carnivals. These students may arrive after the first events.
- The Girls Carnival will take place at City (Corner of Cable Ave and Bridge St)
- The Boys Carnival will take place at Scully (Kent St South Tamworth.
- Nominations have been available since December, advertised in Secondary notices, The Hub, and previous Newsletters. They were reopened twice and will be closed again before lunch.
- Lunch is provided, and the canteen will be available subject to pool staffing.
- Buses will return out of area students (and Boarders) to Calrossy for their regular buses home.
- Full sport uniform must be worn to and from the Swimming Carnivals
Rugby Training 2024
In preparation for the 2024 Rugby Season, Rugby training has commenced for the year at the following times
Tuesdays 3:45-5pm approx – Opens and U16's Girls Training
Wednesdays 3:45-5pm approx – Boys All Ages Training
Thursdays 3:45-5pm approx – U14s Girls Training
Basketball 2024
The opening round of the Basketball Season has been postponed by 1 week. The season will now commence in Week 5.
Trials for the Calrossy Representative Football (Soccer) Teams will commence on Wednesday 28 February (Week 5) for the U15's Boys and U15's Girls. Students desiring to represent Calrossy will need to register their interest to trial prior to Wednesday 28 February via the Hub Survey. These teams will represent Calrossy at the Bill Turner Cup and Trophy.
On Friday, February 23, Calrossy Open Boys Soccer Team will play host to Carinya Christian School at the William Cowper Campus for the opening round of the NSW CIS Football Cup at 10am. Students at recess time are encouraged to come and cheer on the Calrossy Team.