From the Director of Studies

Years 10 -12 Parent Teacher Interviews
We are delighted to welcome parents of students in Years 10 -12 to attend our first session of Parent Teacher Interviews for 2024 on Tuesday, March 5th. This session will be conducted as face-to-face interviews in the Peter Smart Auditorium on the Brisbane Street Campus.
Booking slots will be every 5 minutes between 4pm and 6pm. These sessions are intended to allow parents to efficiently meet with multiple teachers and get a quick overview of student progress or any significant issues. If there are more complex issues that require a longer discussion, we encourage parents to contact teachers directly to arrange a phone call or meeting on another day.
In the event that a teacher runs out of available interview slots or a booked appointment is missed due to illness or other factors, it is recommended that you email the teacher in question to ask any questions you may have or request an alternative time to talk.
At Calrossy, we value constructive collaboration with parents and formal parent teacher interviews are only one scheduled opportunity for this to occur.
When opened, bookings will be made through the Parent Portal section of The Hub. An email will be sent to parents of Years 10 - 12 when bookings are being taken.
Parent Teacher Interviews for students in Years 7 - 9 will be held early in Term 2, along with telephone interviews for parents who cannot attend our campuses. Further information about these events will be provided in future newsletters.
Students in Yrs 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be sitting NAPLAN in Term 1. The four days of principal testing will be run from Wednesday March 13th to Monday March 18th. There will be some opportunities for catch-up tests to be run from Tuesday March 19th for students who missed one of the days of principal testing.
All students must sit NAPLAN unless their parents have signed a withdrawal form indicating that they do not wish their child to participate. If you wish to withdraw your child from NAPLAN, please contact
Students will be given further information about what is required for the NAPLAN testing closer to the day.